What did you do to your bike today?

midgeniggletporn is got to be better than the turdinthetoilet contest you and that moose knuckle from the great north get into.

Wow, post one picture of a good baby shit and you think there was a contest with Eskimo nuts. Um, I think moose knuckle is the one with a stuffed turd trophy on a mount. :prof:
Well, lets just get this post back on subject...
Last night my boy Joeseph (little turd) came out to the shop and wanted to put his motor together. The little turd finally decided that the motor had been sitting long enough in a box waiting for assembly. So me, big turd had to clean off the bench of the 125 that I am working on so little turd could put his case up on the bench. We got the crank set, the transmission in, and the power valve assembly put back on the jug that had been re-plated at Langcourt. Little turd is still waiting on the gun metal frame to be done. (but I can wait for the price). Today, I (big turd) am picking up suspension from Enzo in Santa Ana, takeing the woman (significant other turd) to the dentist, then heading up to Lavern to pick up my golden bitch turd that hopefully got nailed and will produce a litter of turds in 60 or so days. The moral of what I (big turd) did to my bike is: Little turd and big turd put together a motor half way, big turd in picking up suspension and doing things with his significant turd other and then picking up the turd retriever from the turd stud shop.

Hope you all have a turdfasination day also.... Turd you later!
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