What did you do to your bike today?

Ok 1.5 hrs later I almost forgot dirtbikes have a clutch. The control is unmatched, just point and twist. I was able to stall it once but that was my fault I accidentally pushed the kill button with my hand when I hit the tree. That area between too much and not enough throttle while clutching wheelies on uphills is nonexistent. If this is cheating add me to the list of sissy boys then. Freaking amazing
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Ok 1.5 hrs later I almost forgot dirtbikes have a clutch. The control is unmatched, just point and twist. I was able to stall it once but that was my fault I accidentally pushed the kill button with my hand when I hit the tree. That area between too much and not enough throttle while clutching wheelies on uphills is nonexistent. If this is cheating add me to the list of sissy boys then. Freaking amazing
My point is that it's another skill set lost.
The rekluse should be banned from all professional racing and AMA sanctioned events like Loretta's or it's offroad equivalent. It's a handicap tool used for cheating.
Now take your significant other that does that thing with her/his tongue. (which is why they are around to begin with because love is a secondary emotion).... now you buy their food, fix their car, keep their house warm and cozy....
now it comes time for the skill set of the before mentioned tongue trick and she hands you a cat and a cup of yogurt.... same thing its just easier for them. That's a rekluse.
Here’s an analogy mike may understand a little better.
Like the first time you got a blowjob, It’s much better when somebody else does it

My point is that it's another skill set lost.
The rekluse should be banned from all professional racing and AMA sanctioned events like Loretta's or it's offroad equivalent. It's a handicap tool used for cheating.
Now take your significant other that does that thing with her/his tongue. (which is why they are around to begin with because love is a secondary emotion).... now you buy their food, fix their car, keep their house warm and cozy....
now it comes time for the skill set of the before mentioned tongue trick and she hands you a cat and a cup of yogurt.... same thing its just easier for them. That's a rekluse.
