What did you do to your bike today?

Decided the 09 TE450 needed a little adjustments, she has been jealous ever since she came home from the shop and the Beta showed up in her spot, I'll ride-em-both at the same time but they are just not as easy to do that with like women. :smirk:
:finger::smirk: I have invited you two little monsters many times. :moon: Come on up and get yourself some! only the pool is now only 68 deg. Marine layer was actually Tuesday after work and the 09 got her ride last week. I am slow at posting pictures to photobucket, so I pulled them of my facebooger account. Should I join up with DBA and facebooger?


Staff member
What's the story on those bike gallows? :lol:
The gallows are exactly that. For hanging infidels and skinning squirrels.

HA HA! My brother made them for me. They hold up to 500 lbs! Just 2X4s and harbor freight straps.
I hang my bike from it when doing oil changes, fork seals, tire changes. Works great! -BIG DAN
Washed it up last night and pulled the handgaurds off. Heading out to the shop with all eleven bucks to walk around to night. If I'm lucky my pay will magically show up and it will be $211 but I'm not holding my breath :thumb: