What is the opposite of zero?

:prof: Make sure you never go to Japan!

Been there... but only for 5 minutes..... seriously, had to catch another flight, deplaned off the jet way, down a flight of stairs onto the tarmac up the rolling stairs and off we went. :shocked:..... :thumb:
According to the Dr at our company clinic, after reading my blood pressure he said.... "well, in Japan, they woiuld declare you DEAD"... :shocked:.......... that helped it a lot..... :faint:
I went to my Docs for my annual and I was waiting for my Doc to come in the examining room - doozed off and the next thing I remember was hearing the Nurse say to the Doc, "So what do you think?" Doc says, I think he's dead but I'm afraid to ask."..... WTH!
I went to my Docs for my annual and I was waiting for my Doc to come in the examining room - doozed off and the next thing I remember was hearing the Nurse say to the Doc, "So what do you think?" Doc says, I think he's dead but I'm afraid to ask."..... WTH!
Oh, and by the way Trav, I don't know what the answer is but, when Monkey-Boy comes home with the results of his first Calculus test this semester, it better be the opposite. :thumb: