Seriously? Good grief - an oil mixture thread?
Well since you asked - I only use chilled Perrier water at 32:1
Why the frick would anyone actually ask this question?
Did I say seriously yet?
If you had been around as long as some of us you would know that THIS particular question has been asked nuuuuuumerous times resulting in endless debates on what works, what sucks, who sucks, why they suck, why their SISTER sucks (or in some cases doesn't), etc.....
Now to add MY 2 cents...
Old school ...
I use GAS (unleaded because that's what's available) to clean the filter, I don't let it soak, I dunk ring, squeeze the piss (or gas in this case) out of it repeatedly until it is clean then I rinse (usually with water from the hose (I know, unsafe, should use bottled but WTF... I'm old school)
Wrap a rag/towel around it and dry as much as possible then set it out to air dry
Apply light amount of 2t oil all over it (because it's lower viscosity but more so because I still had it in my bike shit box from my 2t days).
Apply a decent amount of waterproof grease to the filter end and the area where it sits in the filter box.
Then install it and close it up!
Ride and repeat... never had a failure, never had a filter dry up and crumble as some say would happen...
and THIS was back when I rode all the time.... :givesthebirdtothoseabouttoflameonmebecauseidon'trideenoughtohaveaproblem:
Natch... I got your back