Best looking motocross bikes ever???

What's your top 3 or 5 best looking motocross bikes of the last 30 years?
Pics welcome!
No works bikes please! Or hybrids MR500!!!!
And in case you think I'm picking on you, my bike doesn't apply either!
I will post my top 5 after a good think!
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Only MX bikes or are we talking dirt bikes as a general?
Because only KTM makes all of my choices.

Well, the title of the thread is pretty clear... "Best looking motocross bikes ever???"

My question is, he said EVER in the title (which makes me think back to when I was first riding... no old jokes yet... where there were alot of "different styles" of bikes) however he then followed up and added within the last 30 years.

He then added bring them all on so I'll add the older then 30 year bikes that I can remember... can remember the CC's on most so I'll leave it out where applicable.

Early 70's...
Husky's with the chrome fenders
Bultaco Persang
Ossa (Phantom?)
Honda XR 75 with the downswept pipe and aftermarket megaphone silencer...
Yamaha YZ with the strapped on (:shocked:) tank...

I could go on but these are the ones that stick in my head as "good looking MX bikes"...
Husky 70's with chrome fenders are the 250 and 360 cross, Bad ass bikes for sure. Just seen a fully restored 3 year project Saturday at Up-tite while having my ECU cleared.

I've mentioned this before... my brother had a 72 Husky 400 (pretty sure) with an orange tank... chrome fenders, etc... CR / WR ??? I think it was a CR but don't really know!

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