Dirt Bike women acknowledged, FINALLY!

So there is this woman that is a hot actress/rider/biker appears on Sons of Anarchy and so on. She has this website and FB page. She befriended me and once in a while I go to her page and check it out. Well everytime I go there it is ALWAYS biker this and Harley that :rant: Yet she claims it's for all women motorcyclists. I started getting annoyed that there is never any mention of dirt bikers! No dual sporters, no Super Moto and just some sport bike but mostly biker chicks. (Who mostly suck at riding) So I posted a pic of an all female dirt bike weekend at a ranch I held a couple years ago, more or less stating what about the women who ride dirt? And she finally acknowledged us, and guess what? People actually like us:shocked: Anyhow, just thought I would share with my dirt buddies here. The more support the better for us, we get very little recognition ya know! And most the gear that is made for us is made cheap and sucks, although it is SLOWLY changing, we pretty much get the short end of the stick in many ways in this sport. Afterall, were just "chicks" However, sometimes I step up and become 'chick'en shit too:smirk:

So here's to us on this fabulous Friday:cheers:


I am assuming this link will work but, you may have to be on FB for it to, Im not sure.
Will check it out when I get home from work.

Huskygirl has done these too, Woodschick rides a
mean trail and Supermotos her self all over SF.

These are real women!:banana:
Will check it out when I get home from work.

Huskygirl has done these too, Woodschick rides a
mean trail and Supermotos her self all over SF.

These are real women!:banana:

I didnt know woodschick rode SM. I am familiar with both of those women from TT, and they both kick ass:thumb:
:thumb: good for you Sun.

while i was at my local MX track (my 3rd time ever) i met a woman who teaches a dirt riding class (not on the track) for people who never have rode dirt. She started giving me tips and actually helped me learn some stuff which is now helping me get over a lot of jumps. Shes pretty good as well. Anyway she is one of the nicest people i have met on the track so far and has even offered to give me her old THOR MX bag for free. i keep telling her ill give her something for it but damm im a total stranger and she is gonna give me a pretty good MX bag. She also told me about a group of women that all meet at the track sometimes to ride together... :rocker: i love it... I am married and happily so so im not looking but its nice to brake up teh sausage fest and see some women out at the track.

anyhow i haven't yet but i guess this would be a perfect spot to plug her site... http://www.coach2ride.com/ Her name is Bonnie check it out ... its got plenty of pics of chicks riding... I dont do the facebook thing but maybe you can pass this along to that facebook group... more women to help your cause.

BTW roost for you.
:thumb: good for you Sun.

while i was at my local MX track (my 3rd time ever) i met a woman who teaches a dirt riding class (not on the track) for people who never have rode dirt. She started giving me tips and actually helped me learn some stuff which is now helping me get over a lot of jumps. Shes pretty good as well. Anyway she is one of the nicest people i have met on the track so far and has even offered to give me her old THOR MX bag for free. i keep telling her ill give her something for it but damm im a total stranger and she is gonna give me a pretty good MX bag. She also told me about a group of women that all meet at the track sometimes to ride together... :rocker: i love it... I am married and happily so so im not looking but its nice to brake up teh sausage fest and see some women out at the track.

anyhow i haven't yet but i guess this would be a perfect spot to plug her site... http://www.coach2ride.com/ Her name is Bonnie check it out ... its got plenty of pics of chicks riding... I dont do the facebook thing but maybe you can pass this along to that facebook group... more women to help your cause.

BTW roost for you.

Thanks Travace! Is the gear bag pink?:smirk: j/k She probably gave it to you because she thinks your cute haha. That's cool she teaches, she'd probably kick my ass. I'll check out her site thanks. I cant afford lessons, although I did go to American Supercamp (dirt track school) Still havent backed my 250 in though, but did do it on the XR100. There are a lot of great gals who ride really well. And some great ones who dont ride so well also. I ride with both. I think the very hardest thing for me has been to find my way in this sport without the help of a knowledgable man. I got into this sport after a dream I had, in the dream I was on a dirt bike in the USC Colisuem. Silly huh? The dream was so real and felt soooo good I didnt want to wake. And when I did I had to go buy one. My Husband thought I was nuts it was so out of the blue. But I was stuck on this dream for two months until I finally went out and bought a bike. I didnt know a single person who rode! So I started out riding alone at Gorman. I have racked up hundreds, probably a couple thousand miles riding alone. My Husband is an avid, excellent hockey player, and a good rider too, a natural. He just is not "into it" like I am, and more importantly he doesnt want to get hurt then not be able to work and provide. I respect and love him for that. I love that he supports my addiciton and understands my need to ride. It's the same for him with hockey. But often I sense people think Im some weirdo trying to hook up with guys to ride, but the reality is I dont have many girl friends in my area to trail ride with on the harder trails. I have a few and the list is growing but, scheduling or logistics are often a problem. So I post up to ride on sites and sometimes it just makes me feel out of place in the "sausage fest" Also, I think guys look at it like "why would I want to ride with a chick if she is married and I cant date or do her? Or, I have all my great buddies to ride with already or, a female in the mix will throw off our male bonding/dude time or, she's old and slow and has no skills. It sort of sucks. I feel like Im beggin sometimes and out of mercy or obligation I sometimes get included. It's just BS and bums me out at times. Track riders just show up and there is always someone there to look out after them. It's not a big deal being there alone. A lot of girls are riding MotoX now and it's awesome! Im a trail rider. I like to go waaaay out in to the wilderness and ride. So Im better off not doing it alone. Although I have and still do sometimes. I rode 78 miles by myself at gorman on a Thurs two weeks ago. But I didnt go up into the forest like I wanted to. The guy I was soppose to ride with canceled last minute:cry: It has been getting much better over the last couple years since I have built some friendships but I still get the feeling some people cant figure me out or think I must be some weird lady. BTW I am a lady, just one who likes some of the same things guys do. And Yes, I do wear dresses and heals sometimes! But I still like to ride hard and throw back a beer too.

I want to thank all of those who support and understand it is the same for me as it is for any guy, YOU JUST WANT TO RIDE! PERIOD! Now you know my story.........rant over.:ride:
Reminds me of last wednesday. I often ride to this place called the canyon store. It's not far from the Rock Store. Wednesday nights the owner, employees and friends of Easy Rider Magazine hang out there. They are all bikers and their club is called the Weasles:smirk:Well I showed up about 1/2 hour before they all arrived. I parked my bike where they usually park their Hardleys. I knew they would roll in and surround my bike and that didnt matter to me. After a few parked around my Super Moto this Weasle walks over to me and the guy Im sitting near, looks at the guy ear me and says "is this your LITTLE YELLOW BIKE?" I looked up at him and said "Ummm that would be MY LITTLE YELLOW BIKE!" and he looked a little surprised and then said "let me know when your ready to leave and I'll move my scooter." I looked over his shoulder at his bike and said "no problem! You dont even have to move your bike, because the LITTTLE YELLOW BIKE can maneuver around all that chrome, that's the beauty of my LITTTLE YELLOW BIKE!" He just looked at me, sort of smiled and walked away. When it was time for me to go, I couldnt wait to just get on the bike and smoothly back it out in between the sea of chrome. I really wanted to show them "the beauty of the little YELLOW BIKE" suddenly two Weasels jumped up and almost ran over to move their bikes. One of them was saying something to me and I pointed to my helmet and said "I cant hear you, I have my music on, and PLEASE dont move your bikes!" He started to move his bike anyways. So as fast as I could, before he could roll it out I backed out smoothly weaving between them all. Then I fired up the bike and rev'd the shit out the pipe and got the front wheel off the ground pulling out:moon: Stood on the pegs going over the speed bumps and made sure to burn through the gears loud and smooth! Freaking Easy Rider Weasles know nothing about Super Moto! They really dont know! These guys are all stuck in the 70s. If I could of jumped the curb or hit some dirt or stairs in front of them I would have. It was pretty funny, and honestly I will do it again and again:thumb:Even when one of them yells at me to SLOW DOWN which they already have:lol: I am determined :prof:to educate them!
:lol: thats awesome sun. I dont see a problem with women riding with the guys at all. In fact ive been planting the seed and trying to get my wife to get on a bike in hopes of getting that flame lit for her as it has for me. This way ill have a more consistent riding partner to ride with.
Too cool Sun, :thumb: you need to keep submitting photos, and get more dirt in their profile. I burned a lot of time this morning over there,:rolleyes: and didn't see any other dirt shots. There's better things in life, then tattoo's, piercings, and Hog's.:devil:
Thanks Travace! Is the gear bag pink?:smirk: j/k She probably gave it to you because she thinks your cute haha. That's cool she teaches, she'd probably kick my ass. I'll check out her site thanks. I cant afford lessons, although I did go to American Supercamp (dirt track school) Still havent backed my 250 in though, but did do it on the XR100. There are a lot of great gals who ride really well. And some great ones who dont ride so well also. I ride with both. I think the very hardest thing for me has been to find my way in this sport without the help of a knowledgable man. I got into this sport after a dream I had, in the dream I was on a dirt bike in the USC Colisuem. Silly huh? The dream was so real and felt soooo good I didnt want to wake. And when I did I had to go buy one. My Husband thought I was nuts it was so out of the blue. But I was stuck on this dream for two months until I finally went out and bought a bike. I didnt know a single person who rode! So I started out riding alone at Gorman. I have racked up hundreds, probably a couple thousand miles riding alone. My Husband is an avid, excellent hockey player, and a good rider too, a natural. He just is not "into it" like I am, and more importantly he doesnt want to get hurt then not be able to work and provide. I respect and love him for that. I love that he supports my addiciton and understands my need to ride. It's the same for him with hockey. But often I sense people think Im some weirdo trying to hook up with guys to ride, but the reality is I dont have many girl friends in my area to trail ride with on the harder trails. I have a few and the list is growing but, scheduling or logistics are often a problem. So I post up to ride on sites and sometimes it just makes me feel out of place in the "sausage fest" Also, I think guys look at it like "why would I want to ride with a chick if she is married and I cant date or do her? Or, I have all my great buddies to ride with already or, a female in the mix will throw off our male bonding/dude time or, she's old and slow and has no skills. It sort of sucks. I feel like Im beggin sometimes and out of mercy or obligation I sometimes get included. It's just BS and bums me out at times. Track riders just show up and there is always someone there to look out after them. It's not a big deal being there alone. A lot of girls are riding MotoX now and it's awesome! Im a trail rider. I like to go waaaay out in to the wilderness and ride. So Im better off not doing it alone. Although I have and still do sometimes. I rode 78 miles by myself at gorman on a Thurs two weeks ago. But I didnt go up into the forest like I wanted to. The guy I was soppose to ride with canceled last minute:cry: It has been getting much better over the last couple years since I have built some friendships but I still get the feeling some people cant figure me out or think I must be some weird lady. BTW I am a lady, just one who likes some of the same things guys do. And Yes, I do wear dresses and heals sometimes! But I still like to ride hard and throw back a beer too.

I want to thank all of those who support and understand it is the same for me as it is for any guy, YOU JUST WANT TO RIDE! PERIOD! Now you know my story.........rant over.:ride:

That's no rant just speaking your mind the way people should and you're proud of it. I wish my wife still rode bikes, she'll throw her leg over her quad (660 Raptor...I know right :shocked:) now and then but not too often. My 13 y/o daugther tends to steal it from her...here again is another "female rider" in the making!

You had mentioned that most of the chicks on the FB forum thingy are lousy (street) riders...I can only assume they're te type that like the "biker" (weekend) lifestyle and liek to hang out with bikers...I may be wrong, just the way it sounded to me and what I'm familiar with. We have friends who have "A" bike and the GF's and wives ride bitch (as they call it), my wife on the other hand said that if we were toever get into riding on the street she's getting her own bike....works for me! :thumb:

Nice report, siomethingdifferent to mix it up a little...get those girls from TT over here...seems like you can handle our b/s, no reason they couldn't.....right? :smirk:
That's no rant just speaking your mind the way people should and you're proud of it. I wish my wife still rode bikes, she'll throw her leg over her quad (660 Raptor...I know right :shocked:) now and then but not too often. My 13 y/o daugther tends to steal it from her...here again is another "female rider" in the making!

It least they are riding period. We give quaders shit but really they serve their purpose for many. And if the girls will ride those, then it is better then nothing right?

You had mentioned that most of the chicks on the FB forum thingy are lousy (street) riders...I can only assume they're te type that like the "biker" (weekend) lifestyle and liek to hang out with bikers...I may be wrong, just the way it sounded to me and what I'm familiar with. We have friends who have "A" bike and the GF's and wives ride bitch (as they call it), my wife on the other hand said that if we were toever get into riding on the street she's getting her own bike....works for me! :thumb:

Nice report, siomethingdifferent to mix it up a little...get those girls from TT over here...seems like you can handle our b/s, no reason they couldn't.....right? :smirk:

Just this FB page that seems to have mostly biker chicks, yet it is called womenmotorcyclist and she claims for all tryps. I know there are a ton of fast and skilled street girls out there, Ive seen them, and maybe even a few on that site. But I noticed it was always biker posts that the site controller (Brenda) would post up. So I was glad when she finally posted our pic of "dirt girls"

Maybe I'll let some of the girls know about this place but you have to nice ok?:smirk: I think a lot of us burned out on TT. We all connect on FB now.:thumb:

Lots of bikers here clogging the back roads.
I just love flying by them at double their speed.:wave:

CLOGGED is the right word for it! Also wobbling through the tight turns.
Just this FB page that seems to have mostly biker chicks, yet it is called womenmotorcyclist and she claims for all tryps. I know there are a ton of fast and skilled street girls out there, Ive seen them, and maybe even a few on that site. But I noticed it was always biker posts that the site controller (Brenda) would post up. So I was glad when she finally posted our pic of "dirt girls"

Maybe I'll let some of the girls know about this place but you have to nice ok?:smirk: I think a lot of us burned out on TT. We all connect on FB now.:thumb:

NICE, there's no NICE in posting............:smirk: Of course I'll be nice.........................trust me! :devil: As for good girl riders, I've seen a bunch in my day on and off the road...one of the best I know is a buddies daughter, she grew up riding with her male cousins...it was keep up or stay in camp! She's as good as the rest of them! :thumb: No fear til she crashes...and that's rare!!
I didn't start riding until I was 29 and the only people I had to ride with were friends that I convinced to buy a dirt bike. Fast forward 18 years and most of them have given it up or moved away. I either ride alone or on forum rides a lot of the time. I can still get my old friends out to some desert rides and perhaps a weekend up at KM in the summer. I'm sure that over the years I have done many tens of thousands of solo riding both dirt and street. Now that I have a SPOT riding alone is less of a concern than it used to be. I am pretty much a self educated rider. I've spent a lot of time studying maps and exploring countless trails. These days most consider me the "knowledgeable" one as far as the experience and knowing a lot of trails go. I'm still learning and I sure don't feel too much that way about myself. There is always more out there to find.

I also have the feeling that at times I've doing that same begging to be included. When they see me at about weighing in at about 280 and see that I am on a XR600 they think that I ride fire road only. The reality is quite different. In fact most are pretty amazed at where I get my XR. I do have to say that almost without exception that the people I have met on these forums have been the nicest group you could hope to meet.

I guess that I ride the canyons a bit less traveled. I wouldn't describe then as "clogged." I guess I should count my blessings. I love passing the more capable bike on my old POS 1980 CM400.

I say bring those girls over. I just hope we don't push them away with the banter that occurs here. They are welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Hmm, weird. I usually take that as a sign that someone has a personality.

Now where will I ride today? A beer at Wrightwood or Camp Scheideck? It too hot for a dirt ride to Jawbone. Summer seems to finally have arrived.

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