Mounted up my new wrench holders that I got from Christmas.
Anyways, I'm getting to the end of the FREE part of this rebuild. Here I am breaking down my wheels.
This photo is of a stripped screw I need to extract. First I need to nip the head off this countersunk screw.
GOT IT! Then I used an extractor to pull the remaining shank.
Rear rotor and some random swingarm bushings and associated hardware.
The casualties of the rebuild. Notice the triple clamp nuts.... they welded together and ate threads....
Rear rotor and Sprocket removal
Random photo
Tires and tubes. All need replacement.
Wheel breakdown. Had a really hard time with these rear spokes. They are straight... so they spin in their recesses. Took a few pairs of visegrips and a ton of patience... not to mention the WD40 I used....
So I added a rotor screw and a rear rim to the list of things that are required. Along with the triple clamp nuts, which worked fine the last time I replaced the steering stem bearings. Must have over tightened the nut. OH well.
Next I'm putting together the shopping list including prices.
Engine teardown coming shortly also. I know some of you have wet dreams including pistons and rods... sickos...