All Cal Poly DS ride is end of next month

Well... It's monday before the ride...
I cannot make it out, the little lady at home said :naughty:...
Oh well, thanks for the offers my friends! I was excited to go but it's just too far to make my other weekend plans happen.
Soon I hope to be flaked ON and not the one doing the all the FLAKING... -BIG DAN :thumb:
I wouldn't expect Palmer to let some stranger borrow an expensive DS bike, especially to someone who'm he has never met and when the rider has no M1 license. I know I wouldn't, especially if it was a KTM :smirk:

Yep, I agree!
:prof: No way is a rider I have never met riding my KTM500. :moon:
She sure is a sweet machine, I can't wait to get her dirty!
You DIDN'T!?!?!?! Did you???

Guess you will have to wait and see. I have been getting a bunch of cash handed to me from our investments and I didn't get the property I was looking into at in the Dez. :cool:
Everyone and his sister has a KTM, Rack keeps giving me a hard time why I don't have one, ABCDEFG has been hinting about it as well, If you can't :deadhorse: might as well join them. Oh and an old WR is just like a DRZ400/XR400, old tech and crappy color.. Bergs are gay, Orange Roost!
Guess you will have to wait and see. I have been getting a bunch of cash handed to me from our investments and I didn't get the property I was looking into at in the Dez. :cool:
Everyone and his sister has a KTM, Rack keeps giving me a hard time why I don't have one, ABCDEFG has been hinting about it as well, If you can't :deadhorse: might as well join them. Oh and an old WR is just like a DRZ400/XR400, old tech and crappy color.. Bergs are gay, Orange Roost!

Your either feeding the fire, or perhaps you did get an orange beast :confused:

I think it's all would never cheat on your Beta girl...

would you??? :smirk:
I also got the confirmation. :thumb: I don't expect you to let anyone borrow a DS bike Gary. That's why I was asking if anybody knew a place that rented them.

The event is already this weekend! That came up fast! This ride should be great though!