Injured CDA went in for shoulder and bicep suregery today.........

Hey CDA, just checking up on you and wondering how you are doing with the healing process.:thumb:
Hey RM, coming along pretty good. More damage than expected so the healing is taking longer. My Manager is doing a great job of taking care of me though..:thumb: Been doing my exercises to keep the shoulder loose and then icing it down.

I can tell these replies are all done with your right hand.............:smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :naughty:

Hope all is going well...we WILL have to ride in the spring!
All Right Hand Rez..:thumb: Hopefully I can make a Rez appearance in Feb.
That's great to hear that your healing well. I know how boring and frustrating it can be when you can't do the things you want to. You'll be back sooner than you think. The healing for me seemed to come in staged where it did not feel like it was doing much and then I'd wake up the next day it would feel a lot better and continue on that route.

Keep Roosting My Friend! :smirk:
yeah I do feel better today. The pain moves around. Now it is in my Bicep area and all around my shoulder. I got out of the house for a little bit today and it felt good to get outside. Just keeping up with work stuff from the coach. May hit the RV show tomorrow at the local mall parking lot and take a look at a few trailers...:thinking:

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