Injured CDA went in for shoulder and bicep suregery today.........

yeah I do feel better today. The pain moves around. Now it is in my Bicep area and all around my shoulder. I got out of the house for a little bit today and it felt good to get outside. Just keeping up with work stuff from the coach. May hit the RV show tomorrow at the local mall parking lot and take a look at a few trailers...:thinking:

Keep an eye out for that 5th wheel with slides for me :prof:


Staff member
Hey, go big or go home, that is what I have always been told or as my pop always said "if you are going to do something do it right the first time" :thumb:
:thumb: Solid advice.
That would require a new truck too. :eek:
:noidea: Give PJ your current truck and go get a new one. :P


Glad it's going well for you CDA, still waiting on those pictures that I've been told about. :smirk:

Glad it's going well for you CDA, still waiting on those pictures that I've been told about. :smirk:
I have not been on my computer much and today is my first day back in the office. I did not bring the disk with me, so maybe tonight or tomorrow I will upload some pics and video for you weak at heart...:thumb:
I have not been on my computer much and today is my first day back in the office. I did not bring the disk with me, so maybe tonight or tomorrow I will upload some pics and video for you weak at heart...:thumb:

Good to see you'e back in the swing of an extent. :thumb:
Get well soon, Dave

Let us know if you're coming out New Years !!

Denise & Peter :thumb:
:thumb:Thanks Denise :hug: We will be sitting out this New Years ride. Hopefully around Feb I will be back figuring out how to remove the scooter from the stand and see if I remember how to twist the throttle.
Wow! I've been gone from the site for a while. Sorry you had to have surgery CDA. And at this point it is almost old news. Hope your doing better. Well wishes on all your physical therapy and enjoy the holidaze in kickback mode.:thumb:

So here is an update: Had the stitches removed last Thursday from the shoulder and I have limited movement right now. I cannot move my arm up pass a 45 degree angle or lift anything greater than 5lbs. until the first of the year when I have my follow up. This is the time that is needed to allow the Labrum and Bicep tear to get attached to the shoulder better. This will then allow me to start more structured and intense physical therapy sessions so I hope I can be back on the bike in Feb for some light duty riding (:devil:).

Just to recap, I had a torn Labrum and torn Bicep Tendon on the left shoulder. I also had an infected bone spur on the top of my shoulder area by the tear which needed to be removed. Once the Doctor got in there, the tear was worst than the MRI showed so a lot of fixing was going on.

I have some video and pics to follow so if for some reason you can't handle seeing the inside of someone, move along. It really is not that bad.