Do you pack Heat?

In calif and here in Alaska, where you did it made all the difference. Also the way the sales contract was written apparently did too. If you were repo'ing without a bond you had a lot more chance of getting in trouble as well. Too many issues protecting deadbeats. I have heard things about reservations from others in collections. What is has done is made it harder for people who deserve credit otherwise to get credit. There used to be stories on how much farm equipment has basically been stolen that way. Up here there is tribal land as well. Buildings and parking lots that are owned by "native" organizations. I am probably lucky I never got taken in.
In calif and here in Alaska, where you did it made all the difference. Also the way the sales contract was written apparently did too. If you were repo'ing without a bond you had a lot more chance of getting in trouble as well. Too many issues protecting deadbeats. I have heard things about reservations from others in collections. What is has done is made it harder for people who deserve credit otherwise to get credit. There used to be stories on how much farm equipment has basically been stolen that way. Up here there is tribal land as well. Buildings and parking lots that are owned by "native" organizations. I am probably lucky I never got taken in.
The thing that always bugs me is that you're (repo guy/dealership) was the bad guy for taking back merchandise they failed to pay for. Never did make sense to me. Don't buy shit you can't afford. :rant:
Exactly. Everyone I repo'd from had a chance to do a "buyer surrender" and get some assitance in clearing their credit for the future, and they CHOSE NOT TO. It never was like get 30 days over and the car, motorhome, truck, motorcycle, or boat just disappeared. This one woman told the police she must not have gotten the notices. Could be, as she was evicted at two places she didn't pay her rent at. It took six months to find her because she changed jobs. Anyway, deadbeats should get their own thread.
Exactly. Everyone I repo'd from had a chance to do a "buyer surrender" and get some assitance in clearing their credit for the future, and they CHOSE NOT TO. It never was like get 30 days over and the car, motorhome, truck, motorcycle, or boat just disappeared. This one woman told the police she must not have gotten the notices. Could be, as she was evicted at two places she didn't pay her rent at. It took six months to find her because she changed jobs. Anyway, deadbeats should get their own thread.
One of the employee's at my dads company bought a used VW Tiguan of some sorts from a local dealership for a loan shark interest rate (26%!) He managed to make payments on it for a year and a half and it finally got to the point where it wasn't going to happen, he did surrender it, but it took the company nearly 3 months to come get it.

I have a hard time understanding how most of these people out here even qualify for a loan.....
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Yeah, it is hard for me to figure how people agree to terms like that. If I had someone trying to make 26% payments to me I would try to keep him in the car too though. It is funny though how someone will tell you the lengths they went to in order to collect from someone that owed them money and then tell me I was a crook for being in repo's. I learned a lot from that time.
I was up at sutton way back, on the ossa. I stopped along the trail to see if I could hear the guys I was riding with. Right next to me there is this commotion as a black bear around 300 lbs leaves up the bank next to me. Poor thing was just going to let me pass and lay there quietly. I was awake for the ride home for sure.
I was up at sutton way back, on the ossa. I stopped along the trail to see if I could hear the guys I was riding with. Right next to me there is this commotion as a black bear around 300 lbs leaves up the bank next to me. Poor thing was just going to let me pass and lay there quietly. I was awake for the ride home for sure.
Oh yeah, it's not uncommon too see animals,but in my experience they want nothing to do with us.
What happened there with my last post?
Do you have gorilla fingers?
Is your ball joints loose?
Do you have a leaky chassis?
Pick one to three and please answer the following:
Why is a Raven, like a writing desk?
If you quote and then move on to another thread without posting the quote in the respected thread, it will carry to the next thread. Quoting is not thread sensitive.
Is that what you mean?
Do you have gorilla fingers?
Is your ball joints loose?
Do you have a leaky chassis?
Pick one to three and please answer the following:
Why is a Raven, like a writing desk?
If you quote and then move on to another thread without posting the quote in the respected thread, it will carry to the next thread. Quoting is not thread sensitive.
Is that what you mean?
I don't know....I'm still pondering the first 3 questions
I have a range at one of my properties. 4 steel squares in a horseshoe of 14' dirt on 5 acres. we make some noise, the neighbors come over and sometimes shoot with us. i will have to start loading 9mm again.
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You don't have to out run the cat, you just have to out run one other person :run: :lol:

My cousin (John) who does bear hunting guide trips actually told that story... yeeeeears ago. I'm thinking he started it.

Dogs tree a bear
The group stops, John and his brother in law (Bill) put on their running shoes.
Client asks "what are you doing"?
John says, bear's tree'd, so this is just in case...
Client chuckles and says "YOU can't out run a bear"...
John chuckles back and says "no sir, i just have to out run you... didn't you read the list of ESSENTIALS I sent you on what you NEED to bring???
CLients eyes got real big then gulped...

true story!
there has been one like it as long as I have been in the woods. when I first got to alaska and asked what I should be carrying for bear protection I was told "a 22 and a hiking partner you won't mind shooting in the leg".
Oh yeah, and these were BOW hunting trips... He carried a .44 (not for Bill... even I could out run Bill...:LOL: ), in the event the bear was still alive after "placing" the arrow....

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