Paying for the Name!I don't get why it cost $100 though. I'm sure it might make a small difference but it probably cost $5 to make. I don't think the small difference it "might" make will justify the price tag.
Yeah i heard that mod is good for fire road riding..I just sliced up my beer can one day and shoved it in there and walaaa.
I have cruised around it a couple times. You already modding something that hasn't made it out of the garage yet?Hey CDA have you checked out any of the other products or services that has?
I have been reading up on 500exc mods.
If you are talking to me, I am being nice, I am just asking a legitimate question.What was that New Years resolution.
If you are talking to me, I am being nice, I am just asking a legitimate question.
OK let me try again....ushtheenvelope:
OK let me try again....
"xquadtard - I have checked out that site a few times and there is some cool stuff and info on there. Please share with the group about your interest in the 500exc mods..."
How's that Rack, better?