Height issue...

Just go with the 250f. You'll only be wasting your money on the 150 as its seat height is nearly the same as the 250. I too have Hobbit legs. And I ride a 250 two stroke. Standing on flat ground you should be able to start the bike with little to no issues. If you have to stop the bike on the side of a hill ALWAYS try to make sure your kick start is on the down hill side.

Just get the bike and you will figure it all out.

See Look


Staff member
Like 2smoke said, don't get a 150f, go with at least a 250f or 125. You'd out grow the 150f in a day, mostly thanks to the lack of power.
Just go with the 250f. You'll only be wasting your money on the 150 as its seat height is nearly the same as the 250. I too have Hobbit legs. And I ride a 250 two stroke. Standing on flat ground you should be able to start the bike with little to no issues. If you have to stop the bike on the side of a hill ALWAYS try to make sure your kick start is on the down hill side.

Just get the bike and you will figure it all out.

See Look

:thumb: to that
Like 2smoke said, don't get a 150f, go with at least a 250f or 125. You'd out grow the 150f in a day, mostly thanks to the lack of power.

Ok, so i'd be wishing for more power in no time? I am only 121 pounds, (woopwoop little guy!) and my budget is something around $2456 idealy, give or take $300. It's just harder to find a good condition 250f for that, but 150fs in that area are ok. So it's either this:


Or something like this:

Hopefuly the links will work this time...
Oh and sorry about my links all being to mobile services.. :doh:
Ok, so i'd be wishing for more power in no time? I am only 121 pounds, (woopwoop little guy!) and my budget is something around $2456 idealy, give or take $300. It's just harder to find a good condition 250f for that, but 150fs in that area are ok. So it's either this:


Or something like this:

Hopefuly the links will work this time...
Oh and sorry about my links all being to mobile services.. :doh:

You should REALLY consider 125's, as they will last you much longer than a 150f, and be competitive with 250f's but much less of a risk buying used.

Thanks for the links:thumb: ! So an aged 2 smoke for that price is more reliable than a 4 stroke of the same age ? Wow, i saw that happen here with a kid on a yamy 125 against 250fs but not 450s:shocked: ! Isn't the maintenance more expensive though ? Let me know if im wrong.
Thanks for the links:thumb: ! So an aged 2 smoke for that price is more reliable than a 4 stroke of the same age ? Wow, i saw that happen here with a kid on a yamy 125 against 250fs but not 450s:shocked: ! Isn't the maintenance more expensive though ? Let me know if im wrong.

maintenance is the same, or cheaper, because a quart of pre mix will last allot longer than a 4 stroke oil change, but the top end may wear faster. When it comes to rebuild a 2 stroke top end is significantly cheaper, because you dont have to worry about cams, cam chain, valves, valve seats etc... It is actually quite easy and can be done for less than $150, where as valves for a 4 stroke will be that much alone...