@ Nat and @ Nasher:
I don't understand cricket or rugby! It would be cool if you can explain it!
I don't even watch American sports of any sort outside of motorcycle racing.
These "sports" always happen when I am at the cabin and hunting, so I don't pay them any attention.
Well i'm not the most knowledgable about cricket, but i can certainly explain rugby
Talkin of it im going to see my citys/towns (either a big town or a very small city.. No skyscrapers, more like a town really but it's only called a city because it has a cathedral..) ruggby team play today at about 3pm my time ! I you want to see my towns rugby team, type into the net, 'Exeter Chiefs Rugby', i played for their junior team last season
. @ Buckrun @ Rugby union (never called that by anyone anymore), often simply referred to as rugby (more like always), is a full contact team sport (if you have the ball, you can run with it and either dodge, smash into people, or hand off wich is sticking your arm out to push a tackler away(withough punching them..), kick it forward and run on to it (since you cant throw it forward)or pass the ball to any team mate anywhere in line or behind you) which originated in England in the early 19th century. One of the two codes of rugby football(never called that now either) (itself a precursor to various other forms such as American Football and Canadian Football), it is based on running with the ball in hand. It is played with an oval-shaped ball on a field up to 100 metres (330*ft) long and 70 metres (230*ft) wide with H-shaped goal posts on each goal line (you have to physicaly touch the ball down on the ground (called a try, 5points) anywhere behind the posts, or you can drop kick it over in between the upper half of the H (drop kick, 3 points), and after every try, a 'convertion' is taken, basicaly a set up or teed ball that the main kicker kicks, from a position on the pitch in line with where the try was scored (convertion, 2 points) . If the opposition has the ball you can tackle the ball carrier underneath neck height to bring them down to create a 'ruck', where a few guys from both sides stand over the people on the ground and push eachother while the tackled man has to face backwards towards his team and roll the ball out so that they can pick it up and go. Also a scrum is when both teams get into groups and lock shoulders to push eachother back while the ball is rolled down the tunnel in the center inbetween them and the 'hookers', (yes i know
) two guys in the center of each team in the scrum, sticks their leg out to scrap the ball back through their team to a guy behind to be passed allong. I love rugby ! Hope this was interesting guys
Ps: Had a sit on my bike, and really yup height wise im fine. Thought id be a bit short but got my bike on friday (an 08 RMZ 250
!) and i've been maneuvering it around, pushing it, and geting on it myself all fine