Something makes me think your not real sad about the cat.
Because I said cheers to the cat? Not that I feel I have to defend myself, but she was the best cat I've ever had, if you can have a cat, pretty much cats have you. She used to come around with a too tight flea collar, probably from the condos to the North of us. I cut it off one day, then she was always here hanging, and eating with our dog, so I started buying cat food for it. It was declawed, but somehow was a great hunter, then one day she stopped coming. We figured she was dead, or the owner moved away. Fast forward 3 months later, she showed back up filthy dirty, and as skinny as I had ever seen her. We are thinking that her owner did move, and the cat made the 3 month journey back to her best friend. So to answer your question, I am sad about the cat, and here's to you kitty.

Cheyenne will be with you soon.