It's a Doggy Dog world.

Great looking dog you got there! :thumb: Kinda reminds me of my old dog for some reason.



That dog had the most personality of any dog I've been around. Chow/Husky mix.
He would've bitten someone's throat out if we told him to! :smirk: He was an adventure dog and he liked to run throughout the county. He was a stubborn sumbitch when he felt like it (Husky mentality), but if he saw we were serious or getting angry at him, he'd do as we say. He was 7 years old when we first got him from the rescue shelter, a day before he was going to be put to sleep. I don't know why people are scared to get older dogs, he was the best we ever had! He knew about 10 commands when we took him and he was VERY smart. Unfortunately, we put him to peace in 09 at age 14 when we was suffering from stomach cancer and bad joints. He was only half a year under my age at the time.
My knuckleheads...

Losyu ( pronounced "loss-you" Means Moose in Ukrainian) my racist great dane that thinks she's a lap dog...

Bossij' (pronounced Boss-he and is Ukrainian for Bear foot) an English lab that I found on the side of the highway. He had a sister, but we gave her away because 3 was too much!

Just watched my dogs best friend get run over. Fuck head roared up the street, which scared my cat to run home, and the rest is nothing but gruesome details. Cheyenne is going to be heart broken.

Rest in peace kitty.:cheers:
Just watched my dogs best friend get run over. Fuck head roared up the street, which scared my cat to run home, and the rest is nothing but gruesome details. Cheyenne is going to be heart broken.

Rest in peace kitty.BOLD------>:cheers:<-----BOLD
Something makes me think your not real sad about the cat.
Something makes me think your not real sad about the cat.

Because I said cheers to the cat? Not that I feel I have to defend myself, but she was the best cat I've ever had, if you can have a cat, pretty much cats have you. She used to come around with a too tight flea collar, probably from the condos to the North of us. I cut it off one day, then she was always here hanging, and eating with our dog, so I started buying cat food for it. It was declawed, but somehow was a great hunter, then one day she stopped coming. We figured she was dead, or the owner moved away. Fast forward 3 months later, she showed back up filthy dirty, and as skinny as I had ever seen her. We are thinking that her owner did move, and the cat made the 3 month journey back to her best friend. So to answer your question, I am sad about the cat, and here's to you kitty. :cheers: Cheyenne will be with you soon.

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