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I'm afraid I'm going to be inheritting someone's cat in the near particlar cat in mind, my wife says she wants another cat...we've had several since we've been one was Boomer...he was a Manx...tall, no tail, siz toes on the front feet...neutered...we'd let him out on Sunday night/Monday morning and wouldn't see him again til Thursday or Friday night...he'd come in, eat and find someplace to sleep it off, usually across our bed...he had super long legs for a cat which made it look like he reached all the way across. I think he came back as my son...he acts the same way only he's not neutered....nor does he have 6 toes...long skinny one's just not six of them...
Sorry for your loss Timo...when you have a good one they're nice to have around!
OK, the days has come...........we now have a new kitten at the REZidence...His name's TANK...tiny little thing...I'm a softy when it comes to baby's especially puppy's and kittens. I think I'm his best friend at the moment. Spent the day yesterday sleeping somewhere on me while I was on the couch watchign the tube while it rained.
@ TIMO...Maybe it's a passing the baton passes away another takes it's place!![]()
I'm not a cat person, but in my dad and stepmom's divorce, they made us keep 3 of the cats. They aint too bad. They just piss everywhere and think they own the place! Time to whip em in shape.
From now on, it's dogs for me. I'm looking to get a German Shepherd, and possibly do the impossible and make it a coon hunting dog. I think it'd be possible if you can teach them so much other stuff like used in the Military and Police. The only thing is that GSD's dont bay when they are chasing, so I'll have to chase the coon with it.That'd be fun, or I could use a GPS or some type of bell or something.
Yea, not a "cat person" per-say however. given the right one I guess it grows on you...some people can't deal with can'ts the crawl all over you...any of our past cats snever did it to me, only the kittens and this new one especially...can't get enough of me.
I'd give you my Beagle/heelr mix...shes the size of a taler Beagle, the coloring mix of both breeds, tick marks on a white coat, with floppy black and brown ears. nice looking dog but needs to be an only dog...can be too agressive especially with our older one who IS the BITCH of the Bunch!!He's a purebred heeler, doesn't take any crap from any otehr dog...will growl at them if they look at her wrong. The Beagle (Emmy) wants her spot as BITCH but Chili isn't given it up.....
She's got the baying sound when ever they've foudn a critter spotted...squirrel, coyote, rabbit...BEARcoon....stinking raccoon was a big as a small bear.
Bearcoon!! THAT, is awesome. I never see the damned things, but I see coon tracks all over the land and they've been destroying my corn, along with the bastard deer. We got some wooded area, so I think I could turn my dog loose on a trail and just wait for the treeing while I'm sitting on my back porch.
Coon hunting at it's finest!
I think it'd be real hard to teach the dog to only chase coon, and not rabbit or deer. If that dog goes after the deer, there aint no way I'll be able to shoot it.
Blue heelers are beautiful dogs...but beagles are ugly as sin. I'll pass up that offer.Got any pictures of them?
You're right about the cats growing on you. They got a love/hate thing going with me.
no pic's...even if I did, I forgot how to upload them! Like they say (in this case) if you love something set it free, if it don't come back hunt it down and kill it!(that's directed at your dog.) I'd have to say Emmy's the szie of a small Walker hound...bigger than a beagle and much better looking.
ALomst like a whiteish-gray blue tick hound. All muscle, no fat, she's going all day long or should I say all night long...from one side ofthe house to the other barking/baying at whatever's out front or back...
Sounds like one very interesting mutt! Anything that looks like a Bluetick is good by me!
Interesting to say the least...when she's buggin the heeler causing the heelr to get mad and I yell at the heeler to knock it off, the mutt starts whining and barking at the heeler like "I told you so"...stupid....and just like some humans, she HAS to have the last word or bark in her case!
Your cat looks exactly like my name sake... Mikey the cat...
We are rubbing off on you.You named a pussy after yourself?
Sorry but I couldn't pass that one up.