Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

Been up there and caught some big fish there too, especially at Gull. Sooooooooooo insanely jealous. Keep the pics coming and catch some biguns.:thumb:

My bro and I backpacked up above "the loop" a long time ago... quite the experience, not the hiking part the "adventures during"... Half way up the mountain we teamed up with a couple other guys, when we got up to lower Clark lake we decided to call it a day and set up camp for the night... our goal was to get up to Upper Clark if Im not mistaken. Lower Clark is located in what appeared to be half of a crater with a mountain side with bowling ball size rocks down to the water on one side, we're on a patch of grass on another side of the lake, the other 2 guys were across the lake and the side opposite of the rocks was open ... trails n trees.

We get a fire going cook our delicious cuisine of freeze dried whatever it was (nothing fresh) layout our bags and when the time came crawled inside and went to sleep. Some time early in the morning roughly 5:00am (dawn) my bro starts wiggling around in his bag which wakes me up... I peeked over at him, he's got eyes that would look big on a cow so I asked him what was wrong, he said shhhhhh there's a bear right by your feet it's sniffing our packs so I froze.... I never saw it but I heard clunking of a couple rocks so I believed him. Once it leaves we get up start packing and hear the other guys cussing and yeling "that fricken bear ate all our food... ate our BACON all our BREAD.....we chuckle cuz we've got dried food so we packed up and decided we'd gone high enough and went a different route. Farther down the trail we come to a tree with a note stuck to it with a line of rope with 2 "frayed" ends... Note reads "Dear ranger Mike, you were right about there being a bear up here, we experienced it the other night however the hanging of the food didn't work as you recommened...blah blah blah" end of note. We hike down around Emerald lake, BEAUTIFUL deep blue green water as seen from atop a waterfall flowing down into a cove... we crossed a small bridge and made our way back down. We go to check out at the ranger station when we talk to the ranger about our bear experience. We told him we saw it, he says oh yeah he's becoming a nuisance up there. He had a twin (female...:noidea:) that we caught and took back to the other side... we then told him about the note.. he laughed and said yeah, we've seen it and left it there on purpose for all hikers to see that bears are around and can be dangerous. We then asked about the food hanging part, he said yeah they neglected to tell the part about hanging it on a branch directly above their tent so when mama bear sent her cub up the tree the branch broke falling right onto the tent.... apparently all that was to be seen was asses and elbows.....

TRUE STORY.... :prof::focus:
blast from my past... as recent as it is :P

my first bike on its first voyage away from home...
BlowSands in OW.

woke up and there was not a single track on the sand... which i have never seen.