Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

:wave:Who, I have timo and turd sniffer on ignore for a couple days, I'll get back to them latter. They are like having two ass holes.


Oh shit, did PalmerASS open his mouth again? Someone open the windows, JEEZZUZ..:faint:

Still trying to figure out what definition of the word "latter" he was trying to use. That deserves a double :picard::picard: and for good measure, a healthy dose of :finger::smirk::wave:

Shoulda joined on Saturday, great day:ride:
Ok, I turned off ignore. And here it is!

Today's oscar award for z rated childish shows goes to Turd sniffer.
Best supporting actress is all about Sun, without her the show would have never hit the internet.
Don't quit your Day Job!
Where was this Mr. Ride leader?
Up in the mtn range above Landers. The trail eventually goes by Willie Boy's Grave. If you look at a Google Earth of the area, there are a lot of two-track trails that sit atop of the plateau which seem to just keep going but eventually run back into each other. You can probalbly spend a lot of fuel just riding that whole area. We accessed it from Rattlesnake Canyon which makes it a longer loop. Comming up from Landers via a wash and right by Willie Boys Grave would make it a shorter access point to the plateau.:thumb:

One of many stories/myths:
When I was a kid my Uncle Leroy, part Paiute Indian, Part Mexican, part white, told us the story of Willie Boy.
Supposedly an uncle of his and how he led the Sheriff and his pose From Palm Canyon south of Palm Springs, up through White Water and up into the Ruby Mt area....Today you can see thousands of High Powered Wind Mills scattered through the same area.
Who was Willie Boy and is his legend true? Even a movie, "Tell them Willie boy is here" was made in 1969 with Robert Blake playing Willie Boy, and Robert Redford playing the Sheriff, and was based on a book, which I own, called 'A Desert Manhunt'
As to the legend being true, most assuredly. Did the movie "Tell them Willie boy is here" get it right? Aside from "Tombstone" being very close to being historically correct, this movie is very close to the actual facts, places, and characters involved in the manhunt.
Willie Boy was a Paiute Indian, uncle to my uncle Leroy Arnize, (Arnesto in Spanish) who in 1909 ran off with his lover after killing her father in self defense. He found him bent over, beating his girlfriend, named Lola, and when he tried to interfere and stop him, Lola's father went after Willie Boy. So he had to kill him. The tribal elders tried to defend Willie but White Man's law took precedent over Indain Law and Sheriff Cooper was dispatched from Riverside to track him down and charge Willie Boy with murder.
Willie and Lola are hunted for several days and were almost caught in White Water when Willie's Horse spooked as a Train went by. But White Water was dry and they were able to escape under the track trestle and make it into the Hills to the north of White Wate. Willie Boy had a clear shot of the posse as they advanced up the river bed, so he started taking pot shots at them, trying to kill their horses, hoping to slow them down. But Willie Boy ends up accidentally shooting one of the bounty hunters as he walks in front of his horse just as Willie shot. The Sheriff had another Murder charge on his hands..
They manage to evade the bounty hunters for several days until it's obvious that the posse was catching up to them. So Lola shoots herself in order to slow down the posse's advance, but Sheriff Cooper thinks that Willie Boy has killed her, but doesn't understand why. The posse is growing restless and most of them take off on their own to hunt Willie down. But Sheriff Cooper goes off alone to try and kill Willie Boy, before the main posse catches up to him.
As soon as Cooper catches up, he comes under fire from Willie Boy who is dug into a small cave at the top of Ruby Mountain. Cooper is almost shot several times as he tries to climb up the hill. In truth, the Sheriff finally manages to make his way up behind Willie and tries to talk him to surrendering. But Willie Boy wont surrender. Willie swings around to try to shoot the Sheriff, but Sheriff Cooper Beats him with his shot gun. When the Sheriff checks Willie Boy's body the Sheriff discovers that Willie was out of bullets. The Sherrif pulled Willie Boy's gun out of his pants and discovers that it too is empty. To Cooper it is evident that Willie Boy Forced the Sheriff to kill him, in other words, perhaps the first "suicide by cop".
The Sheriff is actually crestfallen. He carefully gathers Willie Boy's body, carries him down the slope of Ruby Mt to his horse and the waiting posse.. There are several Tribal leaders with the posse and the Sheriff gives them the body of Willie Boy, who then take Willie's body away and later burn it.
The Bounty hunters are not happy with Sheriff Cooper. They wanted Willie Boy's body to collect their money they felt they had coming to them. One of the posse members is reported to have said that the 'People have got see something so they will be sure this murder is dead'. Sheriff Cooper is reported to have responded. "Sorry, I dont have any souvenirs for them"
Willy Boy's grave monument is erected at the exact same location where he was shot, died and buried by the tribal leaders and has never been disturbed in any way. So the next time you are out by White Water, remember, that Willie boy was really out there, causing all sorts of trouble and creating a undying legend.