Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

Sketchy details at best... can't remember if they said (in the same general area...) to make it inaccessible or harder to get to. ??? I realy don't know. I also heard they put up chain link around it. Back when I sawe it, it was a marker up in the rocks around the top of the hill climb yuou're speaking of.
it had a chain link when i was there.
Wait a minute here - I do believe that's me in the middle - I was standing next to "Cheap-laughs", he was on my right (left in the photo). One of my buddies lost a nickel and we all came out to try and find it. Never did find the nickel but, Cheap-laughs was good entertainment. :thumb:
If you're referring to the guy standing a little behind you? That looks like mike. @Mihylo33 was your former name cheap-laughs? The guy on the other side of you looks like @Rack.
Ok so it's not a dirt related video but, it IS a moto video I made with my GoPro and my street buddies. I did say I was gonna make a GoPro video and share it here one day. And no, we dont ride in our bikinis everyday. Nor would I personally ever do it. Im just not THAT hot. But I do at times hang out with some pretty cool women who are bold enough to do it:D

Every single woman in this video (including the truck full,) owns and rides motorcycles. Along with a few classic trucks. A very diverse and talented group of ladies. One :prof:even holds a record at Bonneville.

This one's for you Nedge:canada: While your still in snow, here's our ride to the lake.
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Ok so it's not a dirt related video but, it IS a moto video I made with my GoPro and my street buddies. I did say I was gonna make a GoPro video and share it here one day. And no, we dont ride in our bikinis everyday. Nor would I personally ever do it. Im just not THAT hot. But I do at times hang out with some pretty cool women who are bold enough to do it:D

Every single woman in this video (including the truck full,) owns and rides motorcycles. Along with a few classic trucks. A very diverse and talented group of ladies. One :prof:even holds a record at Bonneville.

This one's for you Nedge:canada: While your still in snow, here's our ride to the lake.
Awesome vid Sun :thumb: I am envious for sure - I haven't put my snowblower away yet! Grrrrrrr
Ok so it's not a dirt related video but, it IS a moto video I made with my GoPro and my street buddies. I did say I was gonna make a GoPro video and share it here one day. And no, we dont ride in our bikinis everyday. Nor would I personally ever do it. Im just not THAT hot. But I do at times hang out with some pretty cool women who are bold enough to do it:D

Every single woman in this video (including the truck full,) owns and rides motorcycles. Along with a few classic trucks. A very diverse and talented group of ladies. One :prof:even holds a record at Bonneville.

This one's for you Nedge:canada: While your still in snow, here's our ride to the lake.
Sweet ride Sun. Though I am not a fan of anybody riding without the gear, it was great to see you ladies out having a good time. Thanks for sharing..:thumb: