Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures


Staff member
Does this work? It is what racing is all about - Monkey-Boy having the time of his life -you have to watch the end. It is one of his real good buddies. "Battle of the day" :lol:
:shocked: Is it just me or is that dirt soft and deep? :ride:

:lol: Did I hear a girly scream at 5:15? :lol:

Ah crap, I don't think I have this figured out yet......grrrrr
:noidea: Works for me.

If you want to embed it click the little filmstrip icon that's 3rd from the right.
Hey Edge,

How about some pics of Orangutang Dad aka Naturaledge on a dirt bike:prof:
:lol: ^^^^^ Rack, I asked my wife to dig up some good pics of me "shredding". She tossed a couple of Polaroids of me eating a bowl of Shreddies at me and said, "will these do?" No way, no how are you guys seeing me on the innerwebeseseses. :prof: :lol:
:lol: ^^^^^ Rack, I asked my wife to dig up some good pics of me "shredding". She tossed a couple of Polaroids of me eating a bowl of Shreddies at me and said, "will these do?" No way, no how are you guys seeing me on the innerwebeseseses. :prof: :lol:

As Timo would say............ Pooosey............... :lol:
Couple of videos from the EnduroCross in Sacramento from Saturday These were just the top 3 hot laps for start order in the heat races.



Blazusiak - This was super cool to see in person. He finished just over 2.5 seconds ahead of the next fastest.
Blazusiak is sick. He cleared that whole log section at the end. :wow:
It was really cool. That log matrix was chewing guys up all day and night. Web started just riding the 4X6s that tied the logs together and was pretty quick through it. I had commented to my buddy earlier on the sheer acceleration of Taddy's bike. Then he came out of that corner with the short run up and cleared the 20+' matrix coming off that 12" diameter log.

Only other guy who tried it dislocated his shoulder and didn't run the main.