Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

Great vid Trav :thumb: Thanks for sharing. For the record, I'm one of those pricks that loves it when shit goes wrong on street stunts. (puts on flame suit) I don't like to see anyone hurt but, I do smile when a Jackarse fricks up a stunt on the street and wrecks his bike. I will never understand the idiots that put their gals on the back with no gear and try some crap. :noidea: And this is coming from a guy that should have been dead several times over years ago :smirk: - guess it's that having kids and growing up stuff that got to me....
No kidding Nedge. I cant get over the stupidity of these women (girls) that are willing to sit on the back like a trophy in shorts and a tank top. And sometimes even sporting half helmets. I see these girls all the time. And they ride up to a local hang out where their boys get plowed and they want to show off. It makes for some entertainment that often ends with an ambulance.

A local girl here just recently shredded some of her face off! Riding her Hardley with a half helmet. Now she has half a face. I posted on a local store's FB page advertising half helmets for only $39.00, as in half off. I chimed in, oh goody, half the protection for half the price! They erased my comment needless to say. And Im pretty certain I gained a few haters from my post. Oh well:lol:


Staff member
Great vid Trav :thumb: Thanks for sharing. For the record, I'm one of those pricks that loves it when shit goes wrong on street stunts. (puts on flame suit) I don't like to see anyone hurt but, I do smile when a Jackarse fricks up a stunt on the street and wrecks his bike. I will never understand the idiots that put their gals on the back with no gear and try some crap. :noidea: And this is coming from a guy that should have been dead several times over years ago :smirk: - guess it's that having kids and growing up stuff that got to me....
Was just going to say that. If it's in a stunt competition....damn dude that sucks, you ok? However if it's some dumbass out on the street trying to show off......./me points and laughs. :noidea:
I posted on a local store's FB page advertising half helmets for only $39.00, as in half off. I chimed in, oh goody, half the protection for half the price! They erased my comment needless to say. And Im pretty certain I gained a few haters from my post. Oh well:lol:
What's wrong with my half faced helmet..:smirk:
Ok, so let me explain first....Im tired by this point:faint: , my arms are like rubber by now after all the rocky trails we've been on, I picked the wrong line, Im not in the right place I want to be to go up and over the rock. I realize it and exclaim un-lady like :blush: I try to move on anyways in the gap Im in...
So yea, my big debut at Kennedy Meadows and I get this great video of me:picard:

Im not sure why Im sharing this. I guess so you can laugh at me like everyone else has so far including myself:lol:
Ok, so let me explain first....Im tired by this point:faint: , my arms are like rubber by now after all the rocky trails we've been on, I picked the wrong line, Im not in the right place I want to be to go up and over the rock. I realize it and exclaim un-lady like :blush: I try to move on anyways in the gap Im in...
So yea, my big debut at Kennedy Meadows and I get this great video of me:picard:

Im not sure why Im sharing this. I guess so you can laugh at me like everyone else has so far including myself:lol:
Looks good Sun. Once you are tired it is always a tough task to hit the right lines, as start to lose your focus. All in all did you enjoy KM?