Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

I have vids and evidence of the biggest spill in fracking for gas and oil in Ohio. Do you want to see? It is epic in it's volume and time frame for clean up. Can you get your head around SIX MILLION GALLONS? It's across the road from me!
I would like to see it buck, if you could
My first time out on the trails. and my first time on the Kx.. :ride:

Yep - I'm the idiot at the start of the Vid that can't turn his bike around. :lol:
That looks like some nice riding areas. I like all the grass and trees with the sweeping trails. :thumb:
Bless my soul its Buckrun!
Tell your tale, share it with the world before corporate mufflers silence your cry with money or death!

I will! I met with the manager of the site, a guy from Texas with a big hat. He told me I was fucked. In a very polite way with an accent...

The thing is that they spoil my land with lights 24/7, and they are like stadium lights in a ball game. It's huge!

They have 24/7 trucks that have "suckers" that clean up their shit that make a noise, 9 at a time, like an unmuffled V8 hitting the rev limitter x 9!

I'm on it! But it will ruin my land for 10 months!

I'm working with a geek that will make a website that will expose these mother fuckers! I will provide vids. We will expose the fucking crap they are giving me!! They tell me to pound salt....you are kidding me dude. Well, I want to go viral with this and see if they don't have a change of oppion.

Time will tell! I'm down there every weekend! I video everything they do!

This is a big thing up north, and a lot of people don't like it! (Fracking in Ohio closer to big populations)

I will! I met with the manager of the site, a guy from Texas with a big hat. He told me I was fucked. In a very polite way with an accent...

The thing is that they spoil my land with lights 24/7, and they are like stadium lights in a ball game. It's huge!

They have 24/7 trucks that have "suckers" that clean up their shit that make a noise, 9 at a time, like an unmuffled V8 hitting the rev limitter x 9!

I'm on it! But it will ruin my land for 10 months!

I'm working with a geek that will make a website that will expose these mother fuckers! I will provide vids. We will expose the fucking crap they are giving me!! They tell me to pound salt....you are kidding me dude. Well, I want to go viral with this and see if they don't have a change of oppion.

Time will tell! I'm down there every weekend! I video everything they do!

This is a big thing up north, and a lot of people don't like it! (Fracking in Ohio closer to big populations)


John, is the same Frackin company that gave you and untold amount of riches not to long ago so they get the gases from out of the ground?