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As I said, Im "working" on wheelies. That means I need to lean way back and say "yeaaaaaaahhhhh"...not lean forward saying "oh shit" :lol: I dont know if I will ever be comfortable enough to stay on the gas and keep it up. It's like I get all nervous in the moment and I let off.

Just be careful, it is a bit different practicing wheelies on street than dirt:


i still have a thing about wheelies. i can get those low wheel ones and keep em up for a set of 5 or so whoops but doing a sky wheelie on flat just freaks me out as well. Something about as soon as the bike goes past a certain point i hit the brake or let off the gas even tho i know im not gonna loop for a while.

wheelies are like my BMX back flips... could do way more technical stuff but had a stupid mental block about them. :foul:

That is definately the problem, our minds. I have no problem gassing it on a whoop or bump that lifts it for me. Not to say I can wheelie whoops, just the last one:rolleyes: