Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

Thats a pretty gnarly looking climb. I dont min big rocky climbs with boulders but I tend to struggle with them a little bit. I got short little Hobbit legs so sometimes I have a hard time catching myself to keep moving forward. Normally I will tip over and pray I dont crush my head pipe.
Thats a pretty gnarly looking climb. I dont min big rocky climbs with boulders but I tend to struggle with them a little bit. I got short little Hobbit legs so sometimes I have a hard time catching myself to keep moving forward. Normally I will tip over and pray I dont crush my head pipe.
Those tall people definitely have an advantage as we have a much harder time dabbing.:prof:


Staff member
I'm in trav. Looks like some decent single track. Reminds me of 2W01 in arrowhead. I'd like to go UP Piru, according to this video, and add some difficulty.
I'll have to look into "Snowy" and "Arrastra" to see what kind of difficulty level they are...
-BIG DAN:thumb:
Dan I have heard that Snowy, not so much Arrastra, is the hardest trail in So. Cal with Upper Piru close. Ask Cleonard, he had done them all. You then take, hard, long with off camber, loose, shaley drop-offs that go down hundreds of feet into the adjacent canyon...:eek:

Do a Youtube search on Snowy and Piru. If one falls off the trail, you are looking at a helicopter to get the bike out.