Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures


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Talking about Moto Playground, in that other thread, reminded me of this picture from today. Never really been one to take these types of shots (working on changing that), however while walking by the starting gate I saw this and couldn't pass it up. IMHO it came out pretty good. :thumb:

Looks like it was a great ride Sun.:thumb:

It was such a great weekend 2smoke. Great riding, friends, food and music.

Hey, I may be up that way again in the next few months with another friend. She wants to check out the riding up there. We're just now talking about a road trip. Is your bike and body running? You interested if we do?
Matter of fact my bike is running. If I dont dork myself or the bike up this weekend at the VCGP with Travace I am very interested. Do you have a month picked out yet or still tentative?
Matter of fact my bike is running. If I dont dork myself or the bike up this weekend at the VCGP with Travace I am very interested. Do you have a month picked out yet or still tentative?

Still tentative. I told her to let me know some dates then I was going to contact my riding friends up there and see what works for them. I'll keep you posted. Do you have your race number yet? My friend is a photographer at some races up there, Im pretty sure he will be shooting that one as well. I'll have him snap some good shots if you have a number he can look out for. He does amazing work. Not just ride pics but stuff from all around your area. Here's a link to his site and work. You should check it out: http://www.neillockhartphotography.com/ Perhaps you already know him. because the riding community IS a small world ya know.

Have fun and be safe out there. I look forward to reading all about your fun:thumb:
Nothing like a good hillclimb at sunset. One where you shout YES!! I MADE IT!

Then on top of the hill looking off as far as you can see, and feeling so alive. I love these moments!
You are very fortunate to know somebody to ride where you are riding. I am insanely jealous.:thumb: