Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

Define "cold" at your house. :smirk:
My house or riding area? How about 15 degrees with snow on the ground. Waking up from sleeping in the back of the truck and your gear is in the cab to stay somewhat warm. 8am start and it is so cold that your hand guards explode when they hit the bushes. Your face is numb from the wind that you cannot tell your pit crew anything because the words coming out of your mouth make no sense. Is that cold enough for you shorty?
Because the "Sun" lives here:smirk: I was bummed it was so cold. It was at "Day In The Dirt." I wanted to spend the weekend there. I was going to sleep in my truck but it was shit as cold!!

"Yama", let me be a "Yo Mama" for a minute and tell you, you should start eating for the race two or three days before hand and make sure its the right stuff, hydrate to the max and put something in your stomach race morning always. Oh and take a crap if you can. Your smart so you probably know all of this. You were probably like me, so damn nervous you couldnt eat if you wanted to. I got like that every time and would have to really force myself to eat a banana and boiled egg an hour before the race. I felt like puking until after the start of the race, then I was fine. I had a hard time sleeping the night before too.

James its not sub zero temps but enough to make you not want to be here:moon:
I usually do eat alot of carb stuff the day before a race, bread, cereal, pasta, ect.. and time and time again I learn the hard way, you need weight in your stomach to get the knots out! Liquids don't work real well, but as little as a pack of PB crackers do the job! I usually eat a bite on the way there but today wasn't one to do so and sadly, it no worky for me :shocked: But thanks!
You have to remember that this isn't Cali. Riding in sub 30 degree weather with only a jersey, you'll get chilled to the bone when you start sweating (sounds like an oxymoron :lol:). Yes you'll sweat quicker with a hoodie on but helps regulate your body temp better.

No just a Buck thing. :lol:

Froze my ass of in Cali riding once... and had to huddle the engine for warmth and chipped a tooth I was chattering so fricken much...and this was late september!
Froze my ass of in Cali riding once... and had to huddle the engine for warmth and chipped a tooth I was chattering so fricken much...and this was late september!

Oh geez, now I bet you clench all the time when you freezing cold.
Yea me too, I hate when it is really cold, especially on the bike. You lips freeze and you dont want to lick them cause then they feeel double cold, my nose runs, I think I want to ride faster to get to warmth but yet slower to stay warmer. I hate when I get caught after dark on my street bike when it is freezing ass cold AND with a tinted shield.
Oh geez, now I bet you clench all the time when you freezing cold.

I used to be the guy throwing snowballs in a Tshirt.... I also had a touch of frostbite when I was in my 20's working in the cold so now everytime the weather starts to turn cold I get a million needles stabbing my hands...Once the cold sets in I'm fine.