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I think it is time that unions disappear. They once had their place but in todays society they are nothing but a pain in the ass.

Unions have ruined the work force........5 day work weeks and 8 hour days... yes thats fair.... couple of sick days, yep thats cool... all holidays off with pay??? f-that! maximum work requirements? for example a union Mason must lay 120 block a day and then he is free to leave with full pay? My uncle used to lay 120 block before 10am. Union masons struggle to do it by 4:30... Yep, Unions suck... and the American people feed right into with it "We deserve better without earning it"...:picard:


Staff member
The only reason they argue about US needing them is because they get paid higher wages... their slogan - "Work Union, Live Better"... :foul:
Tell that to the 18,500 people that don't have a job anymore. According to (I think it was) the Washington Post the latest deal was a 8% reduction in pay, 17% increase in health benefits, and the payments to the pension plan would be reduced from $100 million to $25 million per year (people seriously still expect pensions? :noidea:).

The place I'd worked at before my current job cut all our salaries by 10% during the 08 bust. Was I happy? No, of course not, however I'd rather make 10% less than be unemployed.

Oh and the baker's union that was responsible for this, only represented ~5,000 of those 18,500 employees.