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Merica :Illinois:Was just going to post that.
Allow respectable citizens to arm themselves in Chicago and watch the crime rate fall...
To bad an armed (concealed carry) civilian didn't take out that mall shooter.Weird stuff going on.
I love how this stuff gets covered up (not reported)...
Check out how CNN says that the principal stopped the shooter:
"Woodham was fleeing from the high school when an assistant principal rammed his car into Woodham's mother's vehicle to stop him."
Ahh nothing like some liberal bias media for a late night read.
Great article - http://www.davekopel.com/2a/othwr/principal&gun.htm
I love how this stuff gets covered up (not reported)...
Check out how CNN says that the principal stopped the shooter:
"Woodham was fleeing from the high school when an assistant principal rammed his car into Woodham's mother's vehicle to stop him."
Ahh nothing like some liberal bias media for a late night read.
Great article - http://www.davekopel.com/2a/othwr/principal&gun.htm
From what I understand guns have to be at least 1000 ft from the building, which meant that he had to park down the street.I'm surprised that is just now surfacing. I read about it awhile ago in Gun Facts v6.0. Of course...not many news stories on it. From what I know about it, he had to run quite far to get his .45 to comply with the gun-free zone...imagine if he had it on his person. I'm not sure if it was this incident, but there was one where the School Security actually ran away from the fight instead of attempting to stop the shooter.
My precalc teacher was talking about allowing guns in school and he is for it. He concealed carry's everywhere but school, and he wants that to change.teacher, I salute you! (He rides a motorcycle too)
I do remember a couple years ago I was showing him something on my computer, and my background was of .308's on a belt, and he asked me if they were .22's.Other than that...
I like Texas for many reasons.Texas is always ahead of the game.