Random News


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Are you kidding me??? you mean good luck with trying to stop all the pussy from beating down your door to get some! Those things are SWEET!
You may have a point, the world is changing and the nerds are making a comeback. Plus I wouldn't mind having some of this...

remember that internet defense act and SOPA that got shot down by us.. the people? well obama made a executive order a few weeks back that no one ever said shit about and now we have this.....
"A long-delayed set of anti-piracy rules could be put in place early next week. Sources have told both The Daily Dot nd TorrentFreak that five major US ISPs — AT&T, Verizon, Time Warner Cable, Comcast, and Cablevision — will roll out their Copyright Alert System on Monday in a partnership with the entertainment industry. Also referred to as the "six strikes" program, the CAS is a graduated alert system that starts with "educational notices;" if ISPs continue to find copyright infringement, they'll send further reminders and finally throttle or temporarily block internet browsing. It's distinct from more controversial "three strikes" proposals that would cut off users from the internet completely.

According to TorrentFreak, Verizon plans to slow the connections of users who have been found sharing illegal files, while AT&T will block access to popular sites and Time Warner Cable will direct browsers to a landing page"

welcome to the start of a controlled internet in the US.
remember that internet defense act and SOPA that got shot down by us.. the people? well obama made a executive order a few weeks back that no one ever said shit about and now we have this.....
"A long-delayed set of anti-piracy rules could be put in place early next week. Sources have told both The Daily Dot nd TorrentFreak that five major US ISPs — AT&T, Verizon, Time Warner Cable, Comcast, and Cablevision — will roll out their Copyright Alert System on Monday in a partnership with the entertainment industry. Also referred to as the "six strikes" program, the CAS is a graduated alert system that starts with "educational notices;" if ISPs continue to find copyright infringement, they'll send further reminders and finally throttle or temporarily block internet browsing. It's distinct from more controversial "three strikes" proposals that would cut off users from the internet completely.

According to TorrentFreak, Verizon plans to slow the connections of users who have been found sharing illegal files, while AT&T will block access to popular sites and Time Warner Cable will direct browsers to a landing page"

welcome to the start of a controlled internet in the US.

and pretty soon they'll find a way to tax double clicks...
This doesn't have to do with Muslims/Islam, it has to do with the politically correct BS.

In all honesty I only read the 1st few sentences and became bothered.... for the record, political correctness is for phuchtards. Just watched a rabbi apologize for his halloween costume being possibly offensive to Black people... Thats right I said black not African American... just like coloreds and chinks, nips, gooks, honkies and whiteies...