Thought I'd share my experiences frokmj last weekend... Sunday to be exact... Went to Smart n Final to pick up some mesquite charcoal and a brsket to smoke. I've done one before that didn'[t take the 12-16 hours as they report on TV... it took less than 10 but I coun't remember so I googled it to get details (time/lb), it said 1.25 hours per lb.. mine weighed 13 lbs (=14+ hours). No way was I getting up that early to start a fire and smoke that thing in order to eat around 5:00. So I cut it in half (thin vs thick). figured 4-5 hours.
I made my rub, put it on while and wrapped it up and into the fridge. A little while later I started the fire in the smoker, once it got going I put the meat on and let it go for a while. WHilke waiting I was prepping some other stuff and while cleaning up I reached down into a cabinet to grab some napkins, on the way up i noticed (out of the corner of my round eye) the rest were going to fall out so I reached back down in a hurry and at the same time the cab door closed scraping (starting with a gouge) my arm on the corner... Yowwww. bleeding like a stuck pig... I finally got it to stop. Nurse Ally bandaged me up real good.
I go out to check on the smoker and noticed it was dropping in temp, checked the coals and noticed some hadn't caught fire yet and the glow was real low SO..... I did what SHOULD NEVER BE DONE EVEN BY A PROFESSIONAL... (mind you I've done this on an open grill with a big flare up but nothing drastic but still should have been enough of a warning)... I squirted a little (very little) lighter fluid on the "hot" coals... no flare up.. good sign, now I really know to be careful lighting it. I took the "looooong" handled lighter and while leaning away (far away) from the fire as far as possible but so I could still reach it with the lighter I clicked it and I don't think there was even a spark but the results were...KaBOOOOOM... a fire ball came out of the "trap door" where my hand, arms, and 1 leg were near...about 2 feet, it lifted the lid enough to make some racket but stayed on. The worst part was the burnt knuckles on my "trigger finger" hand and burnt hair on both arms and 1 leg.
Kids.... NEVER try this at home... by kids I mean all ya'll...........