Riding Pics to not be forgotten.Share yours!

Are you talking about the steps at the end of the sand where the canyon gets real narrow? I love those rocks, they look tough, but if you hit the right line, you just cruise right over them.

No. As you're going up the wash, there's a off shoot to the right, with an old rusty. wrecked car. If you take that up, you'll find it. I sure hope I'm a TG, for all these guy's that are going to ride up it.:smirk:
The drop is 6-8 feet down with a vertical wall to your right. As you hit bottom, it requires a left turn nearly immediately.

Dont feel bad Geek....I would of tossed my bike down that drop and slid on my ass too! I dont do well on big veritcal drops. That looks like it would be iffy for me to make it safely. So you try it then what? The ride is fuk'd up for everyone because you wanted to give it a go and now your busted all up needing help? No thanks....I'd play it safe too! Did everyone ride it down without incident?

Great pic of your Son! I wish I had mad skillz like that.
No. As you're going up the wash, there's a off shoot to the right, with an old rusty. wrecked car. If you take that up, you'll find it. I sure hope I'm a TG, for all these guy's that are going to ride up it.:smirk:

I'll bring the camera :thumb:
Youngest son


Yama_dawwg (rack jr)


:thumb: to both................I can't convince my son to get more involved than he is...he'll go out and ride his moms quad, rode my bike once, too tall for him but that's it....My youngest daughter likes the idea of bikes but has a fear of crashing...I think it's a balanace thing. She has yet to crash hard on her quad...I've never crashed on the quad I had so I can't compare but I have crashed on a bike a number of times...I think crashing hard on a quad would be worse...

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