RM250 rm250 starting issues

well if you want to be able to run as much unburned fuel down the intake as most people I saw with the double pumper you could just look about 100 yards from any of the hondas from about 1985 until 97. you ought to be able to find the pj carburetor that the wiser owners threw and kicked.
well if you want to be able to run as much unburned fuel down the intake as most people I saw with the double pumper you could just look about 100 yards from any of the hondas from about 1985 until 97. you ought to be able to find the pj carburetor that the wiser owners threw and kicked.
ahh my rm has that gem of a carb the pj 38. still cant get it to idle with the sweet choke/idle adjuster :P
the carburetor worked ok with the float set, all except for an idle as they aged. I wasn't aware that anyone other than honda put it on anything. owning Keihin I just figured they had to use them up. The works bikes that had the pj's that i got to see had the entire enrichenor/idle circuit blocked off.
I have always been told that the PJ was a fantastic carb. By far superior the Mikuni TM or TMX. I never tried to investigate it as I didnt want to mess with trying to figure out jetting for it on a bike that didnt come with it. That and I have enough jets for the Mikuni's to keep probably 2-3 bikes jetted from sea level to about 10,000 ft.
I can't think of any of the mikunis that I used that were inferior to a pj with some time on it. I got my first one in 1988. It is still here in a bucket with several others if you want one of those "superior" caburetors to replace an "inferior" tmx etc. for the guys that sign on to never wanting it to idle they can be made workable by just screwing the enrichenor down hard. no idle and no fouling when you need to coast in gear as in downhill etc. Compared to the PWK it is total junk IMO. Pay some postage and I will send you one.

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