Why?picking this up next week

Why?picking this up next week
Come one meow!!! I ain't been doing too much fishing. Just boating and sitting at the beach. Been way too hott. And catties ain't biting here :/
I just got this little Jon Boat so me and Clay..errr Shortshift could do some fishing. It is a 12ft, came with 45lb thrust trolling motor, Battery, batter box, anchor/w rope, one seat opens for storage and the middle seat is a livewell that has plugs you pull and the lake water fills it.all for only $300
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That sticker in the lower left of your truck back window must give you a good couple horsepower..
Good thing you have that so you can pull the new boat around....
might be a good addition to the boat as well..
it already has too much HP, that sticker just Keeps me from blowing turbo hoses:thinking I do have a pink one I can add to the boat