The resin is about 150 bucks for 5 gallons, And its going to I'd probably need 10ish gallon, And its SOOOO exspensive to to ship, I think like 52 dollars for 5 gallons. I don't remember off the top of my head about the mat, but the kind i need(1708) is like the most expensive(I don't like them kine)
I've been doing some work with cheap resin and CSM matting but if i use that, Its like triple work. That resin you get at autozone and wal mart has wax in it. And inbetween layers of resin and mat you have to sand it. The stuff your supposed to use you can mash shit together without sanding. And its much stronger.
I just really like my boat, Its really light and scary

I think i might do both. lol I might buy the boat, And fix mine.