Hi guys/girls,I'm Tom. I have camped with Gieck and DBA a few times now and would like to say that they are some of the nicest and most respectful people that I have ever met! That said,let me tell you about New Years morning at Spangler. After a week in the desert, I was the last one in our immediate camp area,and was in the process of loading up,when a ranger pulled up. He talked to our neighbors,and campfire participants from New Years Eve,who refused any knowledge of our campfire. The ranger then came over to me and demanded that I get out of my trailer now! He pointed out that the campfire was still burning and that there was trash in it . I explained to him,VERY POLITELY, that I had every intention of cleaning out the pit and fully extinguishing the fire before leaving. I am 57 years old and have been camping since I was a baby...and have never left a dirty or unattended campfire. The ranger then ordered me to clean out the fire pit now! This arrogant clown was treating me like a drunken teenager. I spent about 45 minutes sifting out every bottle,can,and windshield wiper from that pit. The ranger then wrote me a $175.00 ticket for littering , and said he had to go. He explained to me that people like me were why the desert keeps getting closed off. I then poured about 40 gallons of water,while stirring till that fire was gone. Pesonally,I have never been allowed to throw anything but wood in a fire,but that is not at all the point here. Like I said before,you guys are a pleasure to camp with and I am not out to judge anyone. I am in favor of rangers patrolling the desert to keep down the abuse and the trouble makers. But, on the other hand,when he thinks he can treat decent people like scum that shouldn't be tolerated. I really appreciate the support that has been shown,thanks to my little buddy,Bruce/gieck,for the payment of the ticket. You guys are great! I'll go ahead and pay it , that has to be done. I am however going to do everything in my power to track down that fine officer and make sure his superiors know how unhappy this tax payer is. Thanks for listening,catch you later,Tom.