I have a couple of questions.
1. If I weld and retap should I weld the current threads and the chip, so when I go to tap it i make new threads all over. My thoughts are, if I only weld where the chip is, when I go to tap my new threads might not line up with the old...
2. If I go the sleeve way, won't I end up with a smaller hole? And I would have to fine a sleeve that would extend in the hole enough and not stick out to far..
3. If I go the jb way, will "oiling the plug screw" work to keep the jb from sticking to it? And you would use teflon spray to oil it?
4. I might just try the "expandle rubber plug" that slower suggested first...
Out of these four options which would you do? I was thinking look for sleeve first, then rubber plug, then jb, then #1...
On 1 I wouldn't worry about not getting it aligned. I like the insert best. I wouldn't care about losing some diameter. Just don't get too worried about pressure. Vented right there is really not too much. Whatever you do, I wouldn't get caught up in a 500 dollar fix and I would keep a watchful attitude.