V force reeds...

Don't get me wrong I do like the V-force. It's the material it is made from I do not like. When I can I will post pictures of my V-Force Delta 2. So I can show you all what I mean. It looks like it was eroding away. I think I will keep Boyesen's legacy alive by using his products.
I liked the stock reeds fine on my cr500. With any of the porting arrangements. Your cylinder may be different than any if the three I have for mine though. Everything is about what you like to ride in the end. :thumb:
just wanna clarify, I don't ride in the end.
because it shows the dynamics between the V-force and the Rad valve??? Or just because its sponsored by Boyesen and a reason to post another random CR500 video to pimp your delusional glory?
500cc bikes have no business being here on the east coast unless somewhere someplace there is a 2.4 mile track that can truly let that bike run. It belongs in Carlsbad, Czech republic, Belgium where they still run premier 500cc moto tracks...
Nope, Not again. Do you do the ol cr50000 wtfaf switcharoo. Drop it. This thread is about reeds. Leave it about being about reeds.

I believe I made up my mind about purchasing the Rad Valve once again. It's a video about the Boyesen Rad Valve. So it just happen to show it being used in a CR500 and KX125. It is not a CR500af it is a 1995 CR500 steely. I am not pimping anything, If you made your decision to run a product on your bike. Then you found a video of the product you chose to use on the engine you own. Would you not want to watch the video.? I searched to find a video of the V-Force on the same engine, I was unable to find one. If you happen to find a video of the V-Force reeds being used on the KX125 or CR500. Please post it. So we can compare the two products. This is not about pimping a CR500. Because I am not. Sorry if you think I am.
Well as long as you know this IS the INTERNET. No delusional stuff should ever go on, on THE INTERNET.
Was that post about me? If so, How is a post about the products in questioned and bike in which I own delusional? Even if my bike was the KX125 I would be stoked to find a video of the bike I own using the products in question. It is V-Force VS. Boyesen Rad Valve thread. I would think that those who own a KX125 have the same question. Well, now they can watch and hear a video and of that bike using the Boyesen Rad Valve.
Was that post about me? If so, How is a post about the products in questioned and bike in which I own delusional? Even if my bike was the KX125 I would be stoked to find a video of the bike I own using the products in question. It is V-Force VS. Boyesen Rad Valve thread. I would think that those who own a KX125 have the same question. Well, now they can watch and hear a video and of that bike using the Boyesen Rad Valve.

It's a general statement about the internet. A funny one at that...
Was that post about me? If so, How is a post about the products in questioned and bike in which I own delusional? Even if my bike was the KX125 I would be stoked to find a video of the bike I own using the products in question. It is V-Force VS. Boyesen Rad Valve thread. I would think that those who own a KX125 have the same question. Well, now they can watch and hear a video and of that bike using the Boyesen Rad Valve.

Just kidding Dennis :hug:
I took some pictures of my V-force 2 Delta reeds and the cage. I would like to know if the black burned areas are normal? They do not seem to be depressed or worn. I just do not like the way they look. I think it might be caused by the fuel I use. :noidea: I use VP. Ultimate 4.4. Is the cage still useable?

http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab255/xcross316/V-Force Delta 2 Reeds/DSCN11921_zps96aa4d45.jpg

http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab255/xcross316/V-Force Delta 2 Reeds/DSCN11991_zps3a459e68.jpg

http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab255/xcross316/V-Force Delta 2 Reeds/DSCN11961_zps0bb604e3.jpg

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