V force reeds...

Do they pass the light test? Make sure they are not cracking or chipping anywhere also.
As of right now they fail the light test. I just didn't want to buy new reeds if the cage was no good. I would hate to buy new reeds and find out that it still fails the light test. Have you ever seen the burned corners on the cage itself before?
I took some pictures of my V-force 2 Delta reeds and the cage. I would like to know if the black burned areas are normal? They do not seem to be depressed or worn. I just do not like the way they look. I think it might be caused by the fuel I use. :noidea: I use VP. Ultimate 4.4. Is the cage still useable?

http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab255/xcross316/V-Force Delta 2 Reeds/DSCN11921_zps96aa4d45.jpg

http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab255/xcross316/V-Force Delta 2 Reeds/DSCN11991_zps3a459e68.jpg

http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab255/xcross316/V-Force Delta 2 Reeds/DSCN11961_zps0bb604e3.jpg

That's carbon build up.
I haven't seen a 10 hour reed pass a "candle" test like a new one will. When you put them in new you definitely should check them with a light though. One of the best ways I know to check the box to see if it is square.
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