When you look at lift compared to base circle, pretty much anything I find on even the air cooled single cylinder cams falls into the moster bracket if you compare it to most of the automotive applications that I have been familiar with in the past. The first higher performance cam I put in anything was in 1966. It went on a honda s90 and was a Harmon Collins, complete with several sets of timing buttons. (that was a very nice set up to learn such things as "degreeing" on.) It took a set of 'stiffer' springs. The first thing I noticed was fewer windings, and even a 15 year old who knew anything at all about physics immediately figured out why. It also made sense that the same gauge of wire would indeed be stiffer that way. So anyway, in went the cam, in went the specified springs and up went the fun. A few months later I had reason to put the stock cam back in and I left the stiffer springs in and put the stock cam back in. The poor thing had about 7 hp stock, and less than that with the stiffer springs. My piped high compression piston rig would lose about any kind of race to a stock engine with those springs!! Not much has changed, the "faction" springs I put in one crf250 worked nicely with the cam they were specified for, under a stock cam, you lose though. So I probably have always picked cams a bit different than some of the people I know do. There are some creative cam grinders out there.