Dirt Naps and Soil Samples!

Not at all he has been a little turd lately. So it can sit there. In fact he does not even know that I have bought it. :smirk:
Fixed that for you....

Guess he does not have Internet access or know about your little secret club? :devil: The best part is when he does know about it, you let him ride it one time so he falls in love, then you can park it when he's a turd or what I like to call "a brown chunky steaming smelly pile of waste"....Just saying...:smirk:
Thanks! Multi tasking here at work and not checking and reading the typing before replying. :banghead: No he does not know about Dirt Bike Addicts! However, he did have a screen name at TT but did not post much at all. I do like your idea have taking it from him when he acts like a little turd! Have a ride planned for this Sunday and don't really want him "learning" on his new bike. So, IF he gets to go with me he will be on the little ol' 140L :smirk:
Fixed that for you....

Guess he does not have Internet access or know about your little secret club? :devil: The best part is when he does know about it, you let him ride it one time so he falls in love, then you can park it when he's a turd or what I like to call "a brown chunky steaming smelly pile of waste"....Just saying...:smirk:
Thanks! Multi tasking here at work and not checking and reading the typing before replying. :banghead: No he does not know about Dirt Bike Addicts! However, he did have a screen name at TT but did not post much at all. I do like your idea have taking it from him when he acts like a little turd! Have a ride planned for this Sunday and don't really want him "learning" on his new bike. So, IF he gets to go with me he will be on the little ol' 140L :smirk:

Whats this big secret worth to ya:thinking: Nah I wouldnt do that to ya


Staff member
Where's the one with you in it? :devil:

Time to add some new pics to this thread :banana: i will leave the names of the riders out to protect the innocent.:smirk:



Believe it or not...I dont think anyone has ever gotten a pic of me on the ground YET! However, I will share with you a place up in the Mts. of Tecate where I saw my life flash in front of me. It was one of those OH SHIT! moments where you have to make an instant decision, the worst was knowing my only chance of making it at all was to PIN IT! Yet knowing if I didnt make it, pinning it was going to cause even more pain and injury. I was in 4th gear pinned, sort of winding fire road/trail, around 4:30 PM, the sun was coming down and in my eyes off and on. I come around the corner fast and find this BIG GAP/WASH OUT:shocked: I pin it! There was a little dip then bump before the actual gap that made the pinning it not so smooth, I luck out and clear the gap JUST BARELY! Swerving out of control on the other side and eating shit about 20 feet down the trail. I jumped up and said to myself Holy Shit! :jawdrop:Im alive and not hurt! Whew! Boy did I luck out that day!:banana:
You can see my line where I started behind my helmet

Keep in mind I dont wheelie, loft or seat bounce, I just hammer through things and get lucky! But I did everything I could to bring that front end up at that moment because I knew hammering wasnt going to guarantee.

Two riders behind me came around the corner to find me walking in a circle trying to calm down repeating Im alive, Im alive! They looked at the gap and me then said "Your damn lucky! Now suck it up Sun! Hurry up and get a pic! Day light is burning we need to get to Santa Veronica before dark!"

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