First time i took my bike out for a ride i was with PBK and we found this rocky windy trail. He was following me and when the trail straightened out for a second i figured i need to step it up and go fast. So i twisted the throttle and everything was going fine till i hit some rock that bucked me completely off the bike. only thing still on the bike was my two hands holding on to the grip and throttle. I stayed on but at this point im whiskey throttle and way off balance almost going off the trail. my back end was completely sideways like i thought i was drifting a car or something and in my head i knew if i just pinned it i would be ok. Which is exactly what i did. Pinned it and the back tire straightened out. Came to the end of the straight away and i had to just chill and let that rush wear off fora second. So i tell PBK ok you lead now. He takes off like a bat out of hell and im thinking ... RESPECT this machine and go ahead and let PBK go. So i do. next corner i come around i see PBK laying in a wash of a bunch of pointy rocks

no pics but the point of me telling that is i learned how to do that calm down and repeat the im alive im alive part you speak of on my first ride with my bike