Injured Log Road MX - Crash Report - Graphic Images

6 weeks after surgery you should be good to start in doing stuff. Easy ride and dont fall off. I found that the only long term lingering problem I have, even after 30 yrs, is trying to shrug your shoulder up to wipe the sweat off your forehead or brow. Just wont go and it gives a twinge of pain to try n force it.
wow james sorry to here about your crash man! im just recovering from mine but it looks like you werent as fortunate. hope you get better soon man and thank the big man upstairs it wasnt any worse :ride:


Staff member
6 weeks after surgery you should be good to start in doing stuff. Easy ride and dont fall off. I found that the only long term lingering problem I have, even after 30 yrs, is trying to shrug your shoulder up to wipe the sweat off your forehead or brow. Just wont go and it gives a twinge of pain to try n force it.
How old were you when you had your surgery? Like others have said, my young age is on my side. :thumb:
wow james sorry to here about your crash man! im just recovering from mine but it looks like you werent as fortunate. hope you get better soon man and thank the big man upstairs it wasnt any worse :ride:
Thanks Jonah :thumb: What happened with you?


Staff member
So I finally looked at my bike.:thumb: The only thing I saw by just looking at it is that the front wheel is off center, the forks probably turned in the triple clamps. :thinking: Nothing looks broken. :banana:


Staff member

So I was at the specialist today and it looks like next Tuesday, the 6th, is going to be surgery day. :banana:

Thanks for all the "get wells" :thumb: :hug:

Here are a couple pictures we took today and yes that is the real color. :smirk:


damn. looks knarly

best of luck with the surgery... so did anyone say how much time off the bike you are looking at? 3 months or more?


Staff member
damn. looks knarly

best of luck with the surgery... so did anyone say how much time off the bike you are looking at? 3 months or more?
Thanks :thumb:

He said at least 2 months before I can do most regular things, but going riding :noidea:. We'll know more a couple weeks after surgery when we see how it's healing. I start psychical therapy a week after surgery, so that should help to. :thumb:
I just read about your injury and I hope you heal quick. Just remember there's light at the end of the tunnel & you'll be back on your scoot in no time:ride:. Now I think I'll go for a ride in your honor. Here's to a speedy recovery...:cheers: Take care .


Staff member
I just read about your injury and I hope you heal quick. Just remember there's light at the end of the tunnel & you'll be back on your scoot in no time:ride:. Now I think I'll go for a ride in your honor. Here's to a speedy recovery...:cheers: Take care .
Thanks Baja, :ride: Stay safe on my honor ride. :thumb: :P

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