Injured Log Road MX - Crash Report - Graphic Images

I'm no doctor, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express, but your injury, James, is no shoulder separation. What you have is a broken collar bone. A very badly broken one at that. Separations don't involve the bone actually being broke into pieces. Just pulled out of place far enough to stretch or even tear the ligaments that hold it in position. :prof:

You sure you haven't stayed at a Holiday Inn Express? You sound awfully inteligent (for a Honda Rider) :smirk:
  • Group I - Fracture of middle third (80%)
  • Group II - Fracture of the distal third (15%)
    • Type I - Minimally displaced/interligamentous
    • Type II - Displaced due to fracture medial to the coracoclavicular ligaments
      • IIA - Both the conoid and trapezoid remain attached to distal fragment
      • IIB - Either the conoid is torn or both the conoid and trapezoid are torn
    • Type III - Fractures involving articular surface
    • Type IV - Ligaments intact to the periosteum with displacement of the proximal fragment
    • Type V - Comminuted
  • Group III - Fracture of the proximal third (5%)
    • Type I - Minimal displacement
    • Type II - Displaced
    • Type III - Intraarticular
    • Type IV - Epiphyseal separation (observed in patients aged 25 y and younger)

HUH.WHAAAAAA ????????????? :shocked:


Staff member
Just a little update, I'm back home and the surgery went great. :thumb: I'll update with more later, plus I think I also have a couple pictures. :noidea:

Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers. :hug:

HUH.WHAAAAAA ????????????? :shocked:
:lol: Exactly.
Just a little update, I'm back home and the surgery went great. :thumb: I'll update with more later, plus I think I also have a couple pictures. :noidea:

Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers. :hug:

:lol: Exactly.
Glad you are home and on the mend. Heal up for T-Day, so you can chill in the chair and watch my bike on the stand.:smirk: Oh yeah, when you see your Dr. can you get a little extra meds.:devil:
Glad you are home and on the mend. Heal up for T-Day, so you can chill in the chair and watch my bike on the stand.:smirk: Oh yeah, when you see your Dr. can you get a little extra meds.:devil:

he should be able to polish the bike as well :lol:
Uh Yeah, good shoulder exercises. Need to get good rotation. Plus I need to make sure it looks good while sitting there next to that Gold Fish.:P

maybe I need to design some new decals with the emphasis on gold fish............... :thinking:
Hey James, haven´t been in here for a while, but I´m sorry to hear about your crash.
You seem merry about it, so be sure to move around and put weight on it as soon as you can, it really helps.

It´s always a good time to tell more scarred stories :thumb:

I broke my left collarbone in 2008, but was lucky that it didn´t need surgery. I was riding 5 weeks later. Also had a punctured lung and damaged thumb joint in that crash, 4´th gear tabletop when a throttle cable broke...

Then last year I broke my leg (there is thread on TT) and had a rod put in. That sucked, but I could go back to work after 7 weeks.

Then about 2-3 months ago my girlfriend and I messed around and she bent my thumb up on my back. Tore off the EPL tendon. Couldn´t lift my right thumb. Surgery the morning after and 6 weeks in a cast. Can´t bend my thumb now that good but getting better.

Then suddenly my knee locked while sleeping. Turned out the doctor who fixed my leg had left deveral pieces of bone in my knee that had "calcified" and were 20mm big and wedged in the knee joint. Ouch, had to work for a week without being able to straighten my leg. Had the pieces taken out last thursday, so I´m hoping for some riding this saturday.

You see, some people will always have more bad luck...

Get well James!
Hey James, haven´t been in here for a while, but I´m sorry to hear about your crash.
You seem merry about it, so be sure to move around and put weight on it as soon as you can, it really helps.

It´s always a good time to tell more scarred stories :thumb:

I broke my left collarbone in 2008, but was lucky that it didn´t need surgery. I was riding 5 weeks later. Also had a punctured lung and damaged thumb joint in that crash, 4´th gear tabletop when a throttle cable broke...

Then last year I broke my leg (there is thread on TT) and had a rod put in. That sucked, but I could go back to work after 7 weeks.

Then about 2-3 months ago my girlfriend and I messed around and she bent my thumb up on my back. Tore off the EPL tendon. Couldn´t lift my right thumb. Surgery the morning after and 6 weeks in a cast. Can´t bend my thumb now that good but getting better.

Then suddenly my knee locked while sleeping. Turned out the doctor who fixed my leg had left deveral pieces of bone in my knee that had "calcified" and were 20mm big and wedged in the knee joint. Ouch, had to work for a week without being able to straighten my leg. Had the pieces taken out last thursday, so I´m hoping for some riding this saturday.

You see, some people will always have more bad luck...

Get well James!

Yeah, but other than that, you feel pretty good right D-K? :smirk:


Staff member
Hey James, haven´t been in here for a while, but I´m sorry to hear about your crash.
You seem merry about it, so be sure to move around and put weight on it as soon as you can, it really helps.

You see, some people will always have more bad luck...

Get well James!
:cheers: Yeah I've wondering what happened to you, thanks for dropping in again. :thumb:

I've been trying to keep it as loose as possible this past week, plus next Tuesday I start physical therapy. :banana: If it wasn't for all the DB Addicts here I would've been depressed a long time ago. (DBA has kept my spirits up:wiggle:)

I do remember that you had broken your leg last year, looks like you've gone through a lot, hope everything works out for you. I'm trying not to forget that theirs alway somebody worst off then me, luckily I just broke my collarbone and not my neck. You should add that long list of injuries to the INJURIES thread. :smirk:


Staff member
So we get to the hospital at 8:20 am (8:30 am appointment) and I asked the person at the info desk where I go for out-patient surgery. She told us to go back to the out-patient waiting room, so we did. When we get back there I asked the person at the desk if I need to sign-in or fill out some forms, she said "No, just have a seat and wait to be called". We sit down and start waiting. :smirk: After 8:40am rolled around I knew something wasn't right, so I went and asked the person at the info desk again. She said "Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were here to see somebody and weren't the one having surgery" :foul: So I go and finally "admit" myself, as I'm waiting I get a call from the hospital wondering where I'm at, so I tell them the situation. :lol:

Fast forward

When I first woke up in the recovery room the nurse comes over and turns the media player, in my phone, on. (I had given the anesthesiologist my phone before I went in) :smirk: This is also where I got the idea to send Rack a text, I got as far as "Hi" and was able to hit send just before I fell asleep again. :lol:

I think I was in the recovery room for about 45min before they wheeled me back to my room. But damn I've never felt this bad after my previous surgeries, it took about 2 hrs until my head cleared and I stopped falling asleep. :bonk: Plus I was fighting with nausea until this morning. :puke:

The surgery ended up being 1hr 40min and Coffee I haven't gotten the post-op report or films yet. But I'll post them up when I do. :thumb:

Here are a couple post-op pictures of me though. :smirk: I was still groggy.



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