Injured Log Road MX - Crash Report - Graphic Images

Dude, those are some knarly X- rays :jawdrop:
There's enough time between surgery and T-Day that you might be able to do some light riding .
If you bring enough pain meds , that is. :smirk:


Staff member
Dude, those are some knarly X- rays :jawdrop:
:bonk: Thanks for reminding me, my shoulder was feeling pretty good today until I went and looked at those X-rays again. :smirk:
The surgery is Tuesday at 10:00am, one more day. :banana:
There's enough time between surgery and T-Day that you might be able to do some light riding .
If you bring enough pain meds , that is. :smirk:
My goal is to start riding again on Sept. 6th, 2 months from surgery. :D Unlikely? Maybe, but I'm going to try. :ride: This lying around on the couch stuff is killing me. :foul:

But yes I'll know in a couple months if I can make it. :thumb:
:bonk: Thanks for reminding me, my shoulder was feeling pretty good today until I went and looked at those X-rays again. :smirk:
The surgery is Tuesday at 10:00am, one more day. :banana:

My goal is to start riding again on Sept. 6th, 2 months from surgery. :D Unlikely? Maybe, but I'm going to try. :ride: This lying around on the couch stuff is killing me. :foul:

But yes I'll know in a couple months if I can make it. :thumb:

I don't think it's too unlikely at all. There will be enough time for the bones to heal. It depends on how determined you can keep yourself during rehab. I'm sure that the Dirt Bike Addiction will drive you to get back as quickly as possible. :thumb:
Wow james, you really messed up your shoulder... I got a separated shoulder back in November and It still gives me pain every once in a while, and I still have a bump, but i declined to have surgery, which may have been dumb on my part... i had a type 3 separation

And it would seem we aren't going riding this season lol. We just went riding at Horseshoe in Holton. Damn those trails really kicked my ass... 40" trails my ass, most of the time my bark busters were bouncing off trees. It sucks that you had to get injured now, I just found a friend of a friend who has a shit load of property outside of edwardsburg MI and he wants us to rip our bikes through his feild and makes some riding paths/jumps and what not so he has a reason to ride his RMX on his property lol. :ride:


Staff member
Well good luck. :thumb:

Looks like a 2-3 hour job to me, and yes they use power tools, at least they did on my leg.
Thanks and yeah I know they use power tools. I remember seeing some reality show on cable where they were using a Dewalt, think I could request a Makita? :smirk: They do sponsor MX so I'm just trying to do me part. :lol:
I'm thinking Sawzall :shocked: Good Luck...Here's to a speedy recovery and your first post after you get back on line! :thumb: :cheers:
Thanks :cheers:
I don't think it's too unlikely at all. There will be enough time for the bones to heal. It depends on how determined you can keep yourself during rehab. I'm sure that the Dirt Bike Addiction will drive you to get back as quickly as possible. :thumb:
Yeah as long as it "joins" it's a good possibility. That would give me about 2 1/2 months to :ride: before the snow moves in. :thumb:


Staff member
Wow james, you really messed up your shoulder... I got a separated shoulder back in November and It still gives me pain every once in a while, and I still have a bump, but i declined to have surgery, which may have been dumb on my part... i had a type 3 separation
I'm not even sure what type mine is. But I do know I didn't even have to ask for the surgery even though I wanted it no matter what. :smirk: The doc said a plate will be put on top (3 screws on either side) and also something about a bone graph. :noidea:

And it would seem we aren't going riding this season lol. We just went riding at Horseshoe in Holton. Damn those trails really kicked my ass... 40" trails my ass, most of the time my bark busters were bouncing off trees. It sucks that you had to get injured now, I just found a friend of a friend who has a shit load of property outside of edwardsburg MI and he wants us to rip our bikes through his feild and makes some riding paths/jumps and what not so he has a reason to ride his RMX on his property lol. :ride:
Yeah that blows, guess we won't be able to :ride: together this year. :bonk: Well anyways not before you head off to college. :lol: Aren't you glad you have those barkbusters? :prof: Hey we can still arrange something with the "friend of a friend" in MI. :smirk: Does he have a bulldozer or skid loader? :devil:
hmmm.... I know he has his RMX... and a quad... and an old red suzuki something or another... but i can't for the life of me remember what farming equipment he has in his barn... All i remember is it is big... thats it, sorry lol
Wow james, you really messed up your shoulder... I got a separated shoulder back in November and It still gives me pain every once in a while, and I still have a bump, but i declined to have surgery, which may have been dumb on my part... i had a type 3 separation

I'm not even sure what type mine is. But I do know I didn't even have to ask for the surgery even though I wanted it no matter what. :smirk: The doc said a plate will be put on top (3 screws on either side) and also something about a bone graph. :noidea:

I'm no doctor, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express, but your injury, James, is no shoulder separation. What you have is a broken collar bone. A very badly broken one at that. Separations don't involve the bone actually being broke into pieces. Just pulled out of place far enough to stretch or even tear the ligaments that hold it in position. :prof:


Staff member
I'm no doctor, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express, but your injury, James, is no shoulder separation. What you have is a broken collar bone. A very badly broken one at that. Separations don't involve the bone actually being broke into pieces. Just pulled out of place far enough to stretch or even tear the ligaments that hold it in position. :prof:
:sorry: Didn't clarify what I meant, I wasn't talking about shoulder separation types, but clavicle fracture types. To much doctor speak for me. :crazy:

  • Group I - Fracture of middle third (80%)
  • Group II - Fracture of the distal third (15%)
    • Type I - Minimally displaced/interligamentous
    • Type II - Displaced due to fracture medial to the coracoclavicular ligaments
      • IIA - Both the conoid and trapezoid remain attached to distal fragment
      • IIB - Either the conoid is torn or both the conoid and trapezoid are torn
    • Type III - Fractures involving articular surface
    • Type IV - Ligaments intact to the periosteum with displacement of the proximal fragment
    • Type V - Comminuted
  • Group III - Fracture of the proximal third (5%)
    • Type I - Minimal displacement
    • Type II - Displaced
    • Type III - Intraarticular
    • Type IV - Epiphyseal separation (observed in patients aged 25 y and younger)

I'm no doctor, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express,
:lol: Holiday Inn Express :lol::cry::lol:

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