Random Dirt Bike Riding Videos/Pictures

If only we could all ride like her! :hail: This girl left her mark in Baja and kicks ass!! I love seeing this! It shows it is possible if women work hard enough at it. Maybe a little bit of god given talent too. So impressive!:clap:

The story is just as impressive! Read it!

Laia wins the Gold at X Games yesterday!:rocker:
i watched a different vid where a guy on a scooter helps a blind guy. i like the trend of these do good vids but i cant help but think... WTF is wrong with the world today when common humanity is considered this all great dead. its really kind of sad... this shit is should be common behavior not something special.

I agree 100%... I believe that we (general public) are victoms of our own circumstances. meaning, people have become so "phobic" (doubt that's a word) about being safe that they don't want to lend a hand or get involved for fear of something happening. I know this sounds crazy, just my opinion... mind you I'm not of that group... I'll help if possible. :prof:
I agree 100%... I believe that we (general public) are victoms of our own circumstances. meaning, people have become so "phobic" (doubt that's a word) about being safe that they don't want to lend a hand or get involved for fear of something happening. I know this sounds crazy, just my opinion... mind you I'm not of that group... I'll help if possible. :prof:
i am definitely guilty of that as well... not so much in do goods like the vid but with kids. ill be in a public place that is related to kids(dave n busters, park ect ect) and have seen kids get hurt or need assistance and i am very hesitant to lend a hand in fear of the parents trying to blame me.
i am definitely guilty of that as well... not so much in do goods like the vid but with kids. ill be in a public place that is related to kids(dave n busters, park ect ect) and have seen kids get hurt or need assistance and i am very hesitant to lend a hand in fear of the parents trying to blame me.

We did this to ourselves by making it too easy to sue each other.
i am definitely guilty of that as well... not so much in do goods like the vid but with kids. ill be in a public place that is related to kids(dave n busters, park ect ect) and have seen kids get hurt or need assistance and i am very hesitant to lend a hand in fear of the parents trying to blame me.

Or even worse..... :naughty:

I stopped my truck one day because a baseball was rolling in front of me... I noticed some kids playing catch and had to jump a fence to coem get it... I got out and tossed ove rto them, very appreciative of it... now the guy behind me must have been on a tiem limi, he was gettng a little antsy! :rolleyes:

I've stopped my truck in the road, got out to help push a guy off the street...

I've used my truck as a barrier on the freeway so a guy could push his POS off and out of the way

I'll take a shopping cart up with me so the person doesn't have to... going that direction anyways .. WTF

I held a door open for a woman yesterday here at work... she couldn't believe it... told me there aren't many gentlement left in the world.

I could go on... mind you I don't go lokng for this, it justseems to happen alot when I'm around!

Or even worse..... :naughty:

I stopped my truck one day because a baseball was rolling in front of me... I noticed some kids playing catch and had to jump a fence to coem get it... I got out and tossed ove rto them, very appreciative of it... now the guy behind me must have been on a tiem limi, he was gettng a little antsy! :rolleyes:

I've stopped my truck in the road, got out to help push a guy off the street...

I've used my truck as a barrier on the freeway so a guy could push his POS off and out of the way

I'll take a shopping cart up with me so the person doesn't have to... going that direction anyways .. WTF

I held a door open for a woman yesterday here at work... she couldn't believe it... told me there aren't many gentlement left in the world.

I could go on... mind you I don't go lokng for this, it justseems to happen alot when I'm around!

Great post and I AGREE 100%. Chivalry and manners are near dead. I tried to beat them into my kids heads, but it is a dying art.:cheers::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: