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I held a door open for a woman yesterday here at work... she couldn't believe it... told me there aren't many gentlement left in the world.

I do that at the post office every morning, still surprises me that people are surprised that you'd actually hold a door for them. :bonk:

The other thing that people seem to have forgotten to do is SMILE. Never underestimate the power of a smile. I remember a number of months ago I was having an extra crappy day and had to make a quick stop at Walmart (probably why I was having a bad day). While checking out, it was pretty obvious that the cashier lady was also having a bad day, let somebody killed her family pet......in front of her, bad day. :( I figured what the heck, so as I was grabbing my bag to leave, I mustered up a big smile and said "Thank you!". The look on her face made my day and all it took was a simple smile. :thumb:
Yeah, the crap that kills me is, when you do something nice for people like hold the door open for them or let them out in traffic. They don't even bother to thank you. :foul: I don't owe you the a mother phuckin thing. the least you can do is say thanks you POS !!!
Yeah, the crap that kills me is, when you do something nice for people like hold the door open for them or let them out in traffic. They don't even bother to thank you. :foul: I don't owe you the a mother phuckin thing. the least you can do is say thanks you POS !!!
Another thing that drives me nuts. This shit should be reciprocal and contagious.
:thumb: Great post and I AGREE 100%. Chivalry and manners are near dead. I tried to beat them into my kids heads, but it is a dying art.:cheers::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

I did the same however my son took it to the next level .... ordering for his girlfriend whenever they went out to eat. I told him that - that makes him seem over bearing... making it appear the woman is of a lower level.

I don't think he does that anymore. :thumb:
I did the same however my son took it to the next level .... ordering for his girlfriend whenever they went out to eat. I told him that - that makes him seem over bearing... making it appear the woman is of a lower level.

I don't think he does that anymore. :thumb:

My friends and I always make fun of couples when one cuts up the others meat :lol:
I do that at the post office every morning, still surprises me that people are surprised that you'd actually hold a door for them. :bonk:

The other thing that people seem to have forgotten to do is SMILE. Never underestimate the power of a smile. I remember a number of months ago I was having an extra crappy day and had to make a quick stop at Walmart (probably why I was having a bad day). While checking out, it was pretty obvious that the cashier lady was also having a bad day, let somebody killed her family pet......in front of her, bad day. :( I figured what the heck, so as I was grabbing my bag to leave, I mustered up a big smile and said "Thank you!". The look on her face made my day and all it took was a simple smile. :thumb:

It has taken me a few years to muster up the balls to be outspoken (used to be I wouldn't say shit if I had a mouth full)... I had similar situation as yours, this was in Target, I noticed the cahier wasn't smiling... when she finished ringing up my stuff she asked, would that be all for you? I said NO, you need to chear up... smile once in a while, it's good for the soul! She did, made my day, hopefully it made hers. :thumb: