Dear OCEA member,
Yesterday, the County delivered their last, best and final offer to us. As we conveyed to you, the County’s proposal can only be viewed as retribution for OCEA members standing up to expose the Board of Supervisors’ excessive perks and backroom political deals, opposing their contracting out of our jobs in return for political cash, and cooperating with law enforcement agencies in their investigations regarding some members of the board.
We spent the evening analyzing the offer and how it would impact you and your families. Here is their proposal and our analysis:
·Term through
June 11, 2015.
·No pay increase.
·Changes to health insurance that would increase premiums and co-pays for many OCEA members.
·If we agree to the above, the County would agree to drop its proposal to elimnate PIP, reduce standard merit increases to only one step, and to eliminate confidential pay and workers compensation supplemental pay.
In summary, the County’s offer fails to acknowledge the sacrifices each of you have made during the past five years to continue to deliver the best possible services to residents of Orange County. Those sacrifices have included significant pension reforms, no general wage increases, reforms to retiree medical, and increased contributions to health care and retirement. The Board’s proposal ignores all of those sacrifices, which have saved the County more than a billion dollars, and instead wants more from you. And even more insulting, the County threatens to punish us more by eliminating PIP and workers comp supplement pay if we dare to reject the proposal.
If members vote to accept the County’s proposal, the net impact would be an average 0.4 percent reduction in your take-home pay because of changes to medical rates and benefits.
Meanwhile, the Board of Supervisors, who insist on forcing these changes on your families, still do not pay anything toward their own health insurance. And they continue collecting $765/month car allowances—enough to lease two Mercedes—plus other perks. Even worse, they have not stopped their spending spree for campaign contributors, continuing to dole out millions in contracts.
Here are the facts: Allegations of corruption continue to plague the Board of Supervisors. Now the Board is targeting County workers who have stood up to them and exposed their corrupt practices, just like they went after the Grand Jury last year after the Grand Jury released its report about corruption in the County. Neither County workers nor Orange County taxpayers will be treated fairly unless we continue to stand with the Grand Jury and appropriate law enforcement agencies to clean up this County.
Next week, voting will open on the contract. Your bargaining team unanimously recommends you vote to reject the County’s proposal.
We’ll send you an email tomorrow with details about how the vote will work and next steps.
Please continue to read these emails, let your co-workers know about what’s happening, and stand together as one for yourself, your families, your co-workers, and for the residents of Orange County
Yah, I make tons of money on taxpayers, like myself.