I've got it down to a science.
So to too can kick the bag when you try to throw your leg over the bike. Ask Geek how well this works for him
Nothing, but I better get my shit together for the preTday week...
My T-Day preparation went into panic mode last night. As I thought I was finishing up the rear lights on the MH, not only they don't work, but all the trailer lights flash when you turn on a signal. To add to it, if chasing a bad ground isn't enough, Butthead is now bringing his chick friend, so I now need to go through the 2 smoke that's been sitting for 5 years.
Who all you bringing? Any of your female kin? As you've seen above, I'll be toting a person of the opposite sex along with us.
went to put newish rims to me on my bike but had to put in the rim locks on in both rims. thought i would be smart and take on the back tire first! fought witht that stupid tire for like 15 minutes. got it all put together and pumped up. then went to the front rim. was looking at the rim lock and my dad made the keen observation that its was too big. i put the front rim lock in the back tire. so then i took the back rim apart replaced it. put the front rim lock in the front rim and was putting the beed back on when i pinched the tube! we had no more tubes in the garage. then went to mount my back tire. chain was to long and the chain cutter was in the trailer that wasn't at the house. it was a long day.
this was last weekend just got on and posted. i already bought a tube for the tire. just have to go home and throw it in.What do you mean was?...... it's still early son.... get a move on muy pronto like kimosabee.. KAPEESH?
this was last weekend just got on and posted. i already bought a tube for the tire. just have to go home and throw it in.