What did you do to your bike today?


Staff member
Too hot to ride so it’s teardowm time. Decided to try and clean the injector due to the gas in the bottom. As I understand, you attach a tube to the inlet, fill with carb spray and juice the contact pins with a battery and pulse away. Tried a 9v battery, didn’t work. Tried a 12v bike battery and it just dripped. Anybody ever done this before? Not working for me :noidea:
Most likely needs to be under constant pressure to get a spray. Dripping would be correct if you just have gravity head pressure. -BIG DAN:thumb:
Most likely needs to be under constant pressure to get a spray.
You’re right Dan I put some pressure on and it worked perfectly!

Been chomping at the bit to put this pro circuit head on my crf250r. This port job is is a piece of work! The stocker feels like sandpaper in comparison.




Today I sold the WR400 and the kids CR80. Now I dont have a bike to ride.
I guess that means its time to get back on the KXF250 build. Or I could send the YZ250 cylinder out for replate...
Probably just do both :thumb:
I’m Always giving my riding buds crap about blowing money on blingy bits, so I guess I’m an idiot too according to me, but I couldn’t help it. Shopping online all I see is wheels wheels wheels so I give in. I blame summer cabin fever.
Found a screaming deal I couldn’t pass up on eBay for the black and red, then when they got here I was kind of disappointed because I really wanted to lace one up. Never done it before and looks fun so I bought a set of rims and spokes for the stock hubs.


Did it! No more wheel virgin

was easier than expected, you just stick it in the hole.

Got the hop under 1mm and figured that’s good enough for a first timer. Would have passed on the black spokes
if I knew how weak the coating is. My sons 85 had some yellow ones that were super thick and held up well. this ain’t it. Scratched the crap out of a couple just sliding through the hub they’re gonna look like hell in no time. I guess I’ll be lacing again next season!
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$95 I just had to search through all the order confirmation mails.. damn bought a lot of stuff lately. Yes the spokes are Tusk. Don't know what they are coated with but its thin.
Ok sill on the wheel subject. Kinda fibbed a bit when I said “under 1mm hop” it’s more 1.5 but it isn’t my fault, there is a flat spot from the mfg on both of the warped9 rims.

Right on this spot it dips, then goes back to perfect. Don’t think I’ll notice it riding but..
anyway, got the spoke tQ wrench in today. I used my small one with an Allen head to set em the first time at 50 in LB. decided to check with the spoke wrench and it is clicking at 18-20. Got a long way to go to get to 50 with this bish. Checked the pre assembled ones and got the same reading 18-20. Did tusk send me wheels laced at 20 in Lb? Why would my wrench say it’s 50? Did I get a bad item?

no, you’re doing it wrong stupid.
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I never use a torque wrench on spokes. Done by feel and tune only. MX wheels can be out 2mm and you will not feel it. Mine are usually within 1-.5 and I call them good. Recheck tight and tune after first 3-5 hours.

Never got a bent rim from factory, they would go back if I did.
tires and discs on and waiting

This one is ready to go as soon as it stops being a fazillion degrees out.

And now that the lipstick and buullshit is out of the way I can get to more serious business!
I took my scoot's cylinder to work and checked the bore. It’s still within spec. :thumb:
I had a hell of a time getting the head bolts loose. Had to take to Timo’s place and use his 3/4 drive impact. That only got two off. It took a breaker bar with a 4 foot cheater bar and Timo on the end of it with the bike tied down in my truck.

Since the cylinder is good, I’m just going to put a new piston and rings in. But, Holy Crap! :jawdrop: I just priced the parts, and a piston kit and gaskets is $321 at RMATV. That’s a lot more than I was expecting. Furkin’ KTM :foul:
I will say, though, that it’s holding up a lot better than my last red bike.